That mischievous letter that was circulated in the Sierra Leone army and which prompted Monday’s emergency press conference by military and Police chiefs in Freetown should not be taken lightly. Though a military coup is no longer possible in Sierra Leone, the authorities should not overlook any threat to national security.
This is more so considering the fact that the rumbles in the army must have been prompted by a desperately overambitious and devilllishy power-conscious clique of tribalists operating especially in the United States of America and some other parts of the diaspora. . What kind of coincidence is it that as soon as certain confusionist online began bandying misleading stories about tribalism in the army , such a letter should start circulating in the armed forces ? Sierra Leone Defence Chiefs should not overlook this essential link at all. There are desperate Sierra Leonean tribalists living in the U.S. who want to scupper the peace and security in Sierra Leone. The worst thing that can happen to Sierra Leone is for the army to become infected with the malicious virus of tribalism being packaged in the U.S. by some unpatriotic urchins.
We wonder when people will learn that they cannot always be in power and that Sierra Leone does not belong to any one tribe or region. We also wonder when certain people will start learning how to accept defeat.
We think the government should launch a thorough investigation to determine the source of that letter. Having a press conference and issuing threats to troublemakers is not enough .The government must get to the bottom of the source of that dangerous letter, which has the potential to bring tears, lamentations and suffering to our beloved nation once again. If there is a nexus and link between certain reckless utterances in America and that poisonous letter, the government must take appropriate actions to ensure the peace and security of the land. We cannot afford to be taken back to our painful past by disgruntled people who have placed parochial, partisan, tribal and regional interests over the national welfare.
Please don’t let the matter dissipate tamely. We want peace in Sierra Leone and government must be ready to go the dog’s end to ensure it.
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 04 February 2009 )
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