Exclusive Interview : The Activist Legal Luminary Dr. Fullah fighting for democracy, human rights and the rule of law in Sierra Leone

Exclusive Interview : The Activist Legal Luminary Dr. Fullah fighting for democracy, human rights and the rule of law in Sierra Leone
November 8, 2023
By Kabs Kanu
Some very patriotic citizens living abroad have vowed that however long it takes, President Maada Bio of Sierra Leone will definitely face justice for his human rights crimes and descecration of democracy .
These patriotic Sierra Leoneans are led by no less a person than the well- respected and larvishly educated legal luminary and human rights fighter in Britain , Dr. Alfred A Veenod Fullah, who is making waves as the Chairman of the Concerned Sierra Leoneans Worldwide, a crusading organization with members all over the globe, as its name suggests.
As his countrymen and women cried with pain , terror, and frustration under the despotic and totalitarian rule of former junta leader, Retired Brigadier Julius Maada Bio. Dr. Fullah decided that complaining and lamentation were not enough. Somebody had to take the bull by the horns. He mobilized and led a staunch delegation to the Hague to file a protest to theprosecutorr of the International Criminal Court ( ICC ). The reception was good and shortly after. the ICC Prosecutor invited Bio tomeetg at the margins of the UN General Assembly.
It did not end there. About two weeks ago, Dr. Fullah traveled all the way from England to the United States to lead another high – powered delegation, this time to the United Nations in New York and the U.S. State Department to file another complaint against Maada Bio.
For those who do not know Dr. Fullah, COCORIOKO decided to interview him for first-hand details of his trips, and he has taken up the gauntlet against President Maada Bio.
1. Dr. Fullah, you recently led a team to the UN to present a petition against President Bio. How was the reception from the UN ? And what do you plan to achieve ?
Yes, indeed, I led a 10 man delegation/team (i.e., 4 from London, UK, and 6 from the USA) of Concerned Sierra Leoneans Worldwide to the UN Secretary-General’s representative in New York where we received a wonderful, warm and encouraging welcome/reception by the UN Secretary-General’s representatives. We presented a petition/complaint against Maada Bio, his wife and senior government officials, and requested the UN to take action against Maada Bio, senior government officials, and Mohamed Konneh on the following:
a) Punitive measures to be taken for the brutal and extra judicial killings of innocent Sierra Leoneans by the security forces of the Sierra Leone Peoples Party (SLPP) Government before, during and after the June 24, 2023 General Elections, b) the June 24, 2023 ‘Electoral Coup’ by Mr. Julius Maada Bio and his Chief Electoral Commissioner, Mohamed Konneh, who stole the citizens’ votes and toppled democracy in Sierra Leone, c) the rumoured intention of the present illegitimate regime to interfere with the nation’s constitution, thereby tampering with entrenched clauses, including, but not limited to, the tenure of office of the President without the effective participation of the opposition and a national referendum, d) state capture of institutions such as the ECSL, Judiciary, the Legislature, Government parastatals, amongst others.
And by God’s grace, we hope that both the UN will give due consideration to our humble demands/requests in our quest for the restoration of democracy and justice in our motherland. Democracy and justice will soon prevail in our country with God’s power.
2. You also presented a petition to the ICC Prosector ? Have you received a positive response so far ?
Yes, we have received a very positive response, but it’s classified and not for public consumption. Le we dai go nor more…
3. Some SLPP supporters are going with the opinion that nothing will come out of these complaints . Do you think Bio and his supporters are naive to play down the seriousness of this matter, and do you think they really have something to worry about ?
Well, Ambassador Kabs Kanu, as you already know, Bio and his supporters are always in denial. They can deny even their own very existence. So, their self- opinionated views don’t surprise me at all. They can say whatever they like, but the end will justify the means by God’s power.
4. After you presented the petition to the ICC, Bio was invited to a meeting at the UN. The hopes of lots of Sierra Leoneans were raised that Bio was going to be informed of a pending investigation and indictment, but it turned out that the meeting was said to have been to promote bilateral relations. Do you have any take on that for Sierra Leoneans who are still confused by this development?
Ambassador Kabs Kanu, let me explicitly say this in plain and simple English, that the mandate of the ICC/Rome Statute is to investigate, indict, prosecute, convict and sentence perpetrators of human rights violations and crimes against humanity no matter how long it takes. Thank God, there’s no statutory limitation to the prosecution of crimes against humanity based on International Criminal Law (ICL). This meaning, Bio, his wife, and senior government officials will be held accountable for crimes against humanity because they “bear the greatest responsibility”…as well as for “aiding and abetting” for such heinous and grave crimes.
5. Please tell our readers what motivated you to become the most active Sierra Leonean human rights campaigner.
As a legal luminary, justice, and human rights campaigner, it behoves or rather saddens me to see the perilous state of affairs of our country and how Maada Bio and his senior government officials and security forces woefully failed to uphold human rights principles, the civil rights of individuals and fundamental freedoms that are protected and guaranteed under law in Mama Sierra Leone. It is these reasons that motivated me and in concert with Concerned Sierra Leoneans Worldwide decided to fight for justice and the restoration of democracy in Sierra Leone.
This is because and as already alluded to above, since Julius Maada Bio assumed office on 4th April 2018, he has engaged in a series of systematic, widespread and wanton destruction of our fragile democratic fabric and national cohesion by dividing Sierra Leone along party, regional and tribal lines. Since Maada Bio assumed office, he had sacked majority employees who mainly hailed from the north and Northwest regions of Sierra Leone. Hitherto, Sierra Leoneans have held their peace in the face of Julius Maada Bio’s continued acts of bullying, political intimidation, harassment, arbitrary arrests, unlawful detention, selective justice, extrajudicial killings, rape, mob justice advocated by the First Lady, corruption, dismissals along tribal lines, blatant corruption exacerbating the high cost of living, other violation of human rights, violation of the 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone and killings of innocent, unarmed and defenceless civilians. Also, Sierra Leone has become one of the very few countries in Africa whose citizens, selectively, systematically and widely been subjected to numerous human rights abuses, murder, arbitrary arrests, unlawful imprisonment orchestrated by the government and executed by well-armed State Security personnel against innocent Sierra Leoneans resident mostly in the areas of the main opposition APC party stronghold leaving many dead or some badly injured and some still in detention without trial.
In addition, since 2018-2023, the Sierra Leone Police and Sierra Leone Armed Forces, instead of upholding justice, has become an instrument of oppression with a bellicose and trigger-happy posture, they readily resort to shooting and violence against the defenceless populace, even without provocation. This heavy-handed approach has effectively silenced the voices of critical civil society organisations and hindered the participation of women and the youth. It has also severely undermined public confidence in the safety and security of our poor people in the country. Extensive procurement and ostentatious delivery of weapons and ammunition to rogue elements recruited by the government. The presence of the Police and military in the streets and roads everywhere in the country has progressively intensified more than ever before, making Sierra Leone a Police State.
Ultimately, this politics of stealing the people’s mandate, rampant human rights abuses, arbitrary arrest without trial or even fair trial, and extra-judicial killings must be STOPPED now and not given any space in this 21st century.
6. As Sierra Leoneans continue to complain bitterly about Maada Bio’s abuse of power and human rights offences and his seeming propensity to be getting away with everything, what message do you have for Sierra Leoneans?
My message to my Sierra Leone people is that Bio and his senior government will definitely not get away with murder because he definitely has a case to answer at the ICC in the near future. I will crave your indulgence to please don’t be despondent or despair or lose hope but continue to stay strong, focused, hopeful, steadfast, and resilient as not all is lost
However, it is worth mentioning at this juncture that we have the ability and capability, backed by our compatriots, of rendering Mr Julius Maada Bio’s illegitimate regime ungovernable, should the situation arise.
Finally, please note that the above complaints and demands made to the ICC, UN and State Department are complementing the efforts being made by other well-meaning Sierra Leoneans, on behalf of our voiceless compatriots whose votes have been stolen, and their fundamental human rights violated. And we believe that justice, fairness, and democracy will definitely prevail in our motherland, regardless and by God’s grace.
Dr. Alfred A Veenod Fullah is the Chairman of Concerned Sierra Leoneans Worldwide, Like Minds For Makeni Global and Lead Coordinator for Diaspora Hub Globally.
He holds a Masters degree in Social Policy, LLM Law (Master of Laws) in International Human Rights Law (IHRL) and a PhD in International Criminal Law (ICL) at Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, United Kingdom.
President Julius Maada Bio cannot and must not be allowed to remain in office

Sierra Leone Telegraph: 29 June 2023:
The hurried pace with which President Julius Maada Bio was sworn-in as president of Sierra Leone for a second term, after the country’s Electoral Commission had announced its rigged results, despite calls from the Elections Watchdog – NEW and the international community for all ballots in all districts to be transparently released, is a desperate attempt not only to steal the will of the people of Sierra Leone, but an immoral and dangerous act of treason that must be stopped.
Julius Maada Bio clearly lost the 2023 Presidential election and cannot remain in office. His coronation last Tuesday, 27th June by the country’s Chief Justice is illegal.
Notwithstanding the fact that the election process was fraught with massive voter suppression, fraud, intimidation, and violence against the opposition by heavily armed presidential guards, leaked official election results seen by the Sierra Leone Telegraph clearly show that Julius Maada Bio did not achieve the required 55% necessary to command his constitutional right to remain in office for another five years.
President Julius Maada Bio knows this, and so too does the Chief Electoral Commissioner – Mohamed Konneh, a known patron of the ruling SLPP party.
Today, there are rumours of the President’s Mayoral candidate for the country’s capital Freetown – Mohamed Gento, being announced as the Mayor of Freetown at any moment by the Chief Electoral Commissioner, despite leaked official results of 60% of the voting centers across Freetown representing 1138 stations, clearly showing former Mayor Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr leading with 67% of the votes and Gento at 32%.
Photo: Mayor Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr leading with 67%
The Chief Electoral Commissioner – Mohamed Konneh cannot and must not be allowed to steal the will of the people.
In the last few days, the reaction of the international community has been palpably loud, unequivocal and swift. The European Union elections observation team accuses the Electoral Commission of “inconsistencies and lack of integrity in most of the key activities of the election, including the ongoing tabulation of results.”
Yesterday, the Carter Centre – a US based human rights organisation established in 1982 by former US President Jimmy Carter to promote global peace, called on the rogue Electoral Commission boss – Mohamed Konneh to release the results of 24th June 2023 by polling stations.
This is the Carter Centre’s statement:
“In a follow-up to the preliminary statement issued yesterday (27th June 2023) on the Sierra Leone elections, The Carter Center once again strongly urges the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL) to publish election results by polling station so that parties and observers can cross-verify data, in accordance with international best practice.
“This is particularly important considering the report from National Election Watch (NEW) indicating that the results from NEW’s verification exercise differ from the ECSL results, which show both significantly higher turnout and recorded votes for the SLPP presidential candidate. The Carter Center is familiar with and has great confidence in NEW’s rigorous observation and verification methodology, and therefore is concerned that the ECSL’s results do not correspond with NEW’s data.
“Publishing detailed polling station results is critical to ensuring that the final results announced by the ECSL genuinely reflect the will of the people as expressed on election day. This is especially true given that The Carter Center and other observers have expressed strong concerns regarding the lack of transparency during the tabulation process and have directly observed instances of serious irregularities at tabulation centers that call the integrity of the results into question.
“The Carter Center continues to observe the tabulation process across the country. The Center reiterates its recommendation that results from any ballot boxes that were opened in violation of procedure and international best practice should be set aside for additional scrutiny and should not be included in the final results until a formal, transparent, and inclusive review can establish whether they can be considered credible. Lacking this, the credibility of the results is in question.” President Bio cannot remain in office.
The message to President Bio cannot be clearer: He simply cannot and must not remain in office, if he has any moral fibre left in his backbone, and as he keeps reminding the people of Sierra Leone that he is a democrat that loves his country.
The entire international community in Sierra Leone, acting as moral guarantors of the country’s hard-won peace after a ten-year brutal civil war have expressed reservations about the results announced by the Electoral Commission. President Bio cannot remain in office.
The Uk government in a statement posted on Twitter yesterday said: “The UK commends Sierra Leone for the dedication displayed to exercise their right to vote. We share concerns raised about the lack of transparency in the tabulation process. The UK is committed to supporting democracy and stands ready to work in partnership with Sierra Leone.” President Bio cannot remain in office.
The United States Government Bureau for Africa said: “On June 24 the people of Sierra Leone exercised their right to vote. The United States remains concerned with the lack of transparency around the tabulation process, which is at odds with democratic principles cherished by the people of Sierra Leone.” President Bio cannot remain in office.
A joint statement signed by the USA, UK, Ireland, Germany, France, and EU Delegation in Sierra Leone cannot be clearer. This is what they said:
Addressing the people of Sierra Leone, following the coronation of President Julius Maada Bio on Tuesday, the presidential candidate for the main opposition APC – Dr Samura Wilson Kamara said: “My compatriots. We have heard the unfortunate announcement of the elections results for the June 24 Presidential elections by the Chief Electoral Commissioner Mr Konneh.
“It is a sad day for our beloved country. It is a frontal attack on our fledgling democracy. These results are NOT credible, and I categorically reject the outcome so announced by the electoral commission.
“Meanwhile l thank each and every one of you for your trust and confidence and for standing by me. I acknowledge the efforts of our local and international partners who stood for transparency and democracy. I will rise above this travesty, and I commit myself to continue the fight for a better Sierra Leone.”
President Julius Maada Bio cannot and should not be allowed to remain in office, and the people of Sierra Leone cannot do this by themselves. They need the help and assistance of the international community to ensure that a militarised dictator and his corrupt state apparatus do not steal democracy from the poor and defenceless people of Sierra Leone.
President Julius Maada Bio has weaponised tribalism in Sierra Leone, and we have seen the deadly outcome in the last five years , with over one hundred unarmed citizens shot dead by presidential guards believed to be a battalion of mercenaries from Burkina Faso. President Bio cannot and should not be allowed to remain in office.
Sierra Leone on brink of chaos as Elections Commission refuses to release voters registration data or comply with elections procedures

This week may likely be stormy in Sierra Leone as the public is threatening to take to the streets to protest the refusal of the Elections Commission of Sierra Leone ( ECSL ) to release voters registration data for the national elections slated for June 24, 2023.
The People’s Power in Politics ( PPP), a pressure group whose leader Adebayor is based in Holland has called for a massive sit-home protest tomorrow, Monday, followed by public demonstrations on Tuesday.
There was hope on Friday when it was revealed that ECSL had at last decided to yield to the voices of the people and were releasing the data. But opposition APC official, Dr. Richard Konte, who received the data released by ECSL said it was deficient and had been withdrawn by the very ECSL.
It would seem like the ECSL is not really committed to releasing the demanded date. And the public , through posts on social media are insisting to go into the streets to protest if the data is not released.
By Kabs Kanu
To show you how comically and disastrously President Bio has lost the country, yesterday a young man in Belgium showed that the people listen to him more than the President —he asked people to stay home and they did. Adebayor get power pass the president.
Adebayor tells people to demonstrate against the government and they listen. He tells people to sit home on Independence Anniversary day and they listen.
Yesterday, on Sierra Leone’s 62nd Independence Anniversary, Adebayor told Sierra Leoneans to stay home to show the world that they are not happy with President Bio’s misrule, dictatorship, violence, killings and destruction of the economy —and the people listened . Swathes of the country looked like ghost towns yesterday as powerfully shown by videos and pictures.
Maada Bio spent millions bribing his shameless bloggers and propagandists to lie and show old pictures but citizen social media influencers took videos round the country to show Sierra Leoneans that people indeed did listen to Adebayor and they stayed home.
Two days before the day,Maada Bio sent his tribesmen in the police and the army with microphones to go all over the country begging and threatening people to go out on Independence Anniversary day and enjoy the day but people did not listen to them. They listened to Adebayor.They stayed home.
Adebayor does not have guns. Adebayor does not have bombs. Adebayor does not have rocket launchers. Adebayor does not have an army or a tribal militia. Maada Bio has all these but Adebayor has more power in Sierra Leone than Maada Bio.
I do not support Adebayor’s Mammy cussing. How I wish he could leave that part out of his mantra and just propagate the truth about Maada Bio and his tribal fascist and dictatorial oligarchy and killing machines that he articulates so truthfully and so well that everybody listens to him. As a Christian and a minister of the gospel , I totally denounce and disapprove of Adebayor’s Mammy cussing. If only he can stop the profanities and cussing.
However , truth is truth. You cannot deny truth that is lying so visibly on the surface that only a blind man can miss it. Adebayor thrives on truth. What he says about the President and his SLPP terrorist organization are true and truth resonates with the people. That is the secret of Adebayor’s power over President Maada Bio and the SLPP. What he says about them is true and this truth touches the hearts of the people of Sierra Leone who are suffering extremely under Maada Bio and the SLPP to the point that they now need over one million leones a month to provide just one meal for their families, with a bag of rice now Le . 700, 000 ( In a country where the highest salary is Le 200,000.)
Adebayor thrives on truth that Maada Bio does not want the people to know. Adebayor propagates truth about the evil proclivities and wickedness of President Bio and the SLPP that Bio sends out Police and the army to kill innocent people to stop them from saying. What the people of Sierra Leone have been frightened by Bio from saying even under their beds in Sierra Leone , Adebayor broadcasts it everyday on social media. It is through Adebayor that the people of Sierra Leone know about the wicked plans, corruption , wastefulness, economic petulance, evil governance style of President Bio and the SLPP and the hardship in the country, which will turn a lot of people into street beggars , if Maada Bio is allowed to steal an undeserved second term.
However much you condemn Adebayor for his Mammy cussing , and I am one of those who condemn him for it, one thing you must admit, if you are honest, is that Adebayor fills in the critical void that has been vacated by most of the traditional and print media in Sierra Leone. When you have a country where the media has become tribalized or castrated or influenced by the corrosive power of money and opportunism, and the truth is no longer exposed by them, you have to expect people to gravitate towards the likes of Adebayor who tell them what the media is either afraid to say or has been bought to omit.Adebayor’s success with the people is a stinging rebuke to the traditional and pring media.
The shameful and shocking dearth of moral principles and integrity in Sierra Leone which has turned all our institutions including the Parliament, judiciary, , civil society, Police, Army, elections commission, women’s organizations, anti- corruption commission, the journalists’ association and even the intelligentsia into bootlickers, carpet baggers and opportunists led to the rise and popularity of people like Adebayor, who have occupied the space left by these institutions.
These corruption – tainted institutions shamefully can no longer stand up for the people. Scandalously, they can no longer speak out for the people. Blinded by tribalism, opportunism and the love of money, these institutions are no longer the ears , noses and voices of the people and Sierra Leoneans have lost respect for them .When a country slumps to such a disgraceful and damaging level and is bedeviled by such a never -ending curse, it would turn for help and salvation to social media activists like Adebayor, however much they repel their foul mouthed audios.
Sierra Leoneans were dying for a man of the people, a leader to energize and propel them to stand up for their rights and they have found one in the likes of Adebayor. That was why they listened to him and stayed home yesterday .
Shame on Maada Bio and the SLPP .
Shame on our country.
Samura Kamara is the APC FLAGBEARER again, as Minkailu Mansaray becomes Chairman, Yansaneh Deputy and Lansana Dumbuya the Secretary General
True democracy prevailed at the All People’s Congress ( APC) National Delegates Convention this weekend, with Dr. Samura Kamara being elected by a landslide to become the flagbearer of the party for the 2023 Presidential Elections in June. As seen in the table below, Dr. Samura Kamara was overwhelmingly elected, with 1, 382 votes, with his closest rival, Dr. Richard Conteh, getting only 88 votes.
The whole hall shook with jubilation and Makeni City is in the throes of merriment as APC supporters, who converged on the city from all parts of the country and the diaspora, celebrated both the election at last of national officers of the party and flagbearer and the hosting of the National Delegates Convention, which had been in limbo from court cases believed to be part of the handiwork of the ruling SLPP, using disgruntled APC rebels , led by one Alfred Peter Conteh.
So at long last, after all the hiccups and setbacks from court cases, the APC have staged their national convention and surfaced with their flagbearer, national executive and newly-elected National Advisory Council ( NAC ) members, putting the party back on track after two years of paralysis and frustration for the party.
The results are a resounding victory for the old guards of the party that Alfred Conteh and others sought to remove from the helm. The Chairmanship of the party was won by a veteran, Alhaji Minkailu Mansaray, while the former Secretary General, Ambassador Osman Yansaneh was elected Deputy Chairman. However, a member of the younger breed, Lawyer Lansana Dumbuya, was elected Secretary General.
The D Day has taken shape. The process of electing National officers has begun. A roll call of delegates was conducted and the individual were vetted, confirmed and ushered into the hall.
Transparent empty ballot boxes were displayed, confirmed and the voting process announced.
The Conference was informed that six positions went unopposed namely:
1. Deputy National Publicity Secretary, the sole candidate was Mohamed Pope Kamara
2. National Legal Adviser 1. Africanus Sorie Sesay was the sole candidate
3. Deputy National Legal Adviser 2, the sole candidate was Hon Agibola Manley Spain
4. National Treasurer, the sole candidate was Mrs Memunatu Koroma
5. The National Auditor, the sole candidate was Saidu Jabbie
6. The National Imam, Sheikh Lamin Kamara was the sole candidate