Sia Tiyaama is Day Dreamer

Sia Tiyaama is Day Dreamer
By Karamoh Kabbah
The faceless doomsday prophet, Sia Tiyaama, for Sierra Leone under Charles Margai is unlike Caesar’s soothsayer who came forward and repeated his “Beware the ides of March” bid even where the most powerful Caesar commanded, “Set him before me; let me see his face.” But we know such doomsday prophesy could not be true when it is coming from a faceless soothsayer. Thus, “He is a day dreamer, let us leave him. Pass!”
But for the coward we know is masquerading as that doomsday prophet, let me say this to you; the only albatross around Margai’s neck is the SLPP perceived abomination a Mende man can commit when he took the bold step to challenge a bad government through a nationally inclusive political party in PMDC.
Sierra Leone under President Kabbah/Vice president Berewa and the international community’s efforts to rescue Sierra Leone from its recent past is like an addict under rehabilitation, who moves from smoking pot, a dangerous hallucinatory agent, to angel dust, a more dangerous hallucinatory agent – SLPP’s policy of continuity is akin to the foregoing analogy.
And the only rightful mean of unseating SLPP that is under a more potent agent of hallucination [power in this case] is through a political party especially in a wavering democracy that has been seemingly forced into elections by donors as one of the conditions for debt relief.
Sia Tiyaama should instead spend time on predicting a doomsday for corrupt politicians under Charles Margai.     

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