Since Sunday, Sierra Leone has been on a mandated government lockdown to halt the spread of the coronavirus with four persons have now tested positive in the country for the virus.
Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr Mayor of Freetown
We are in day 2 of the 3 day lockdown. Everyone is required to stay indoors from Sunday 5th April to Tuesday 7th April.
FCC was able to obtain 80 passes for sanitation staff yesterday morning. So whilst the streets were empty last night and this morning, FCC staff and our registered tricycle waste collectors were able to carry out FCC’s daily street and market sweeping activities. I am pleased to share photos of Freetown this evening (from Lumley to Allen Town). This is what Freetown could look like everyday if Freetonians commit to not littering and to using an FCC registered waste service providers. Simply call 076434012 or go to www.findmeinfreetown.com for contact details of a waste service provider near you.
The primary preventative measure to stop the transmission of COVID19 is basic hygiene, constant hand washing. Let’s wash our hands and let’s also keep our city clean.
In the country I’m in right now, we are experiencing a lockdown and a curfew at the sametime!
In a lockdown, we are allowed to go to supermarkets, some offices for essential services, pharmacies, hospitals/clinics, grocery stores, from 7 AM to 3 PM! During that period, private cars are allowed with one or two persons only. No public transportation allowed. No Masjids are opened for prayers. No inter city link movement at all!
The curfew begins from 3 PM t0 6 AM. Street movements restricted. Anyone caught in the street or walking or driving around without special permit gets a fine of nearly three thousand US dollars. If they caught you the second or the third times, you get imprisoned for three months!
In the case of Sierra Leone, the three day lockdown seems confusing to many. We would therefore kindly request the competent authority to carefully explain what is to be done on the lockdown and on the curfew?