Sierra Leone Police
Public Notice
The Sierra Leone Police notes with concern information doing the rounds in the social media of a pending attack on the State of Sierra Leone. The information has been assessed and so far no evidence has been established to ascertain the veracity of threats of any attack whatsoever.
What has so far been found out is that a certain group with arms and blank rounds shooting a film in the interior of Liberia was spotted in the Bong County without notifying the people of the area. This situation caused fear and panic when photographs of the scene were posted on the social media.
Some ill motivated people have used this incident in Liberia to circulate rumours of pending attacks on Sierra Leone. The Sierra Leone Police wishes to assure the general public that there is no evidence to support this claim as security personnel in all areas of the country are on high alert and the security situation is calm and quiet. Members of the public are advised to go about their normal business as there is no cause for alarm.
Meanwhile, the Sierra Leone Police wishes to remind members of the public that it is an offence under the Public Order Act to publish false rumours and propaganda with the intention of causing fear,panic and confusion in the minds of unsuspecting members of the public. Any person caught doing so will face the full force of the law.
You have been warned!
Francis A. Munu
Inspector General of Police