SIERRA LEONE: Staring into the abyss.
The patience with which the general citizenry has for the outcome of the Tripartite Commission defies expectations. Every next political move seems to hinge on the outcome of the Tripartite Commission.
In fact, some see the outcome as a foregone conclusion. Those on the extreme end of the political divide see the outcome as a zero-sum game. Of all the possible outcomes, Bio’s exit or a re-run of the now-contentious 2023 multi-tier elections are the only acceptable outcomes. Anything besides these options is unacceptable.
The regime wants to buy time through the legal route. With the trust in the judiciary at an all-time low, such a move would only increase the political tension.
President Bio’s ill-thought “bullet for bullet” speech in Bo furthered added to the anger of the nation. His speech laid bare the length he would go to stay in power.
Leadership entails the power of oration. But Bio lacks the finesse to say the right things. Crude and inappropriate language is liable to be misconstrued by the gullible masses. His choice of words exposed his inbred violent disposition. A seasoned leader would have been more subtle.
The illegitimacy of Bio’s stewardship and his insentivitiy towards the nation’s plight might just push the nation over the precipice.
Though still fresh in the minds of most people, another crisis would have been frowned upon. But given the status quo, another conflict might just be a possibility. Democratic changes are never as straightforward as many think. They usually come at a price.
With Bio’s history of violence, removing him from his perch requires some form of credible force. It is the only language Bio can understand.
With some much blood dripping from his hands, letting him off the hook is not an option. It is better of the two options.
People across the country are more determined to restore their voices, which they lost to Mohamed Konneh and Maada Bio. With the ECOMOG on the ground, it’s conceivable that the people might prevail. Bio is scared stiff. He is already making contingency plans. His many recent travels are mere rehearsals in case things go awry.
No matter the outcome of the Tripartite Commission, people have had enough of Bio’s misrule. Even those around him are visibly tense as to the next gambit. Close members are already busy stashing away their loots to some domicile accounts.
Only time will tell Mr. Bio.
Culled by Dr. Vinod Fullah
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