A cross section of Sierra Leoneans from New York, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and Washington DC, who converged at the conference room of 1701 19th Street Chancery of the Embassy of Sierra Leone on Saturday May 23rd 2015 have been assured by Mr. Abdulai Bayraytay- the National Publicity and Outreach coordinator in the office of the Government Spokesman, that “Sierra Leone is currently thriving on the right part.”
The meeting which was chaired by Ambassador Ibrahim S. Conteh saw Mr. Abdulai Bayraytay articulating several pertinent issues relating to Health, Economic, Energy, Water, Graft, Education, Agriculture, governance and the government’s plan for the Post Ebola era.
Mr. Bayraytay regretted the devastation caused by Ebola virus disease with particular reference to lives and property, and further described the Ebola Out-break as a wake – up call for a well – organized, modern and fully equipped Health system for future Sierra Leone (Post Ebola Era).
“The government is providing Health Coverage for its citizenry. It will also make provision for Ebola survivors and siblings of victims.” Said Mr. Bayraytay.
The National Publicity and Outreach coordinator in the office of the Government Spokesman said “the Ebola virus Disease not only brought all economic activities to an abrupt halt, but also shattered the economy by reducing it from a viable Economy to that of stagnated economy.
He said the financial discipline and workable economic policy of the government actually prevented the government from reneging in its responsibilities by making regular payment of emoluments to employees and the fulfilment of other financial obligations by the government.
Mr. Bayraytay agreed with some members of the audience, who have expressed concerns for dire need of improvement in the area of Electricity and water and further described their concerns as legitimate.
According to Mr. Bayraytay, there has been marked improvement in Electricity supply in western area and water supply in the rural areas by Sierra Leone Water Company (SALWACO).
Mr. Bayraytay said President Ernest Bai Koroma strengthen Sierra Leone’s Anti-Corruption Laws soon after his assumption of office and further described Sierra Leone’s Anti- graft laws as one of the strongest in Africa, with absolute prosecutorial Powers.
With reference to the just concluded Audited report, Mr. Bayraytay said the President Ernest Bai Koroma led government is very transparent and is accountable to its electorate. “It was President Ernest Bai Koroma who first called for a general Audit of Ebola funds and how they were being utilized”.
He further appealed for patience in a bid to allow the system to work – by permitting the report to go through due process. He said the Audit report is with Parliament, and when they are done with it, it will go through the next procedure.
Mr. Bayraytay said the government of President Ernest Bai Koroma has reopened Schools and the government is not only paying tuition fees, but has also prioritized girl child education.
He said government is supporting farmers and other Agricultural activities.
Other Speakers include Ambassador Amadu Koroma who spoke on international Aids, funds disbursements and Corruption.
The five hours meeting saw several other speakers from the audience who contributed in diverse ways, while Mrs. Isatu Sillah acting Minister Counselor gave the vote of thanks.
Earlier, Ambassador Ibrahim S. Conteh welcomed guests and said Mr. Bayraytay is here to undertake public relations and outreach programs in the United States of America and Canada, on Post –Ebola recovery programs being put in place by the Government as well as issues of democracy and good governance.
Prior to his coming to Washington DC, Mr. Bayraytay held a town hall meeting at the Embassy accredited to the United Nations in New York, and another meeting at New Jersey, where Minister Plenipotentiary Rev. Wilfred Kabbs Kanu played host to Mr. Bayraytay and guests.
Pasco Gerald Temple
Information Attache
Embassy of Sierra Leone to the United States
1701 19th St. NW
Washington, DC