*The complaint of Sierra Leonean women against Bio, is on the table at Nr. 10 Downing Street, London* ❗❗❗❗❗
By Political I.Barrie.
The 14th of July 2022 is the day that will go down in the history of Sierra Leone that, both the Prime Minister’s office and the Commonwealth of Great Britain accepted to receive a petition against the government of Sierra Leone for human rights violations, trampling on freedom of it citizens, clampdown on the opposition and civil society presented by Sierra Leonean women in the UK and on behalf of women of Sierra Leone.
Even during the dark days of military regime in Sierra Leone, it never happened, large number of Sierra Leoneans mainly women stormed the city of London and were received at the doorstep of the UK Prime Minister’s office.
But we are meant to have democracy base on western module, where every issue about our beloved country should be dealt with in a civilise way and through the rule of law not the mob. Where the Police force protect peaceful citizens not prosecute them. We all thought, government is there to provide food, clean drinking water, good health care, good education system for our children, but above all create a peaceful environment for it citizens, not hell and Chaos.
Why is this Bio administration not listening to the cries of Sierra Leoneans? Every complain is bash as APC/political opponents orchestrated. Today Sierra Leone in terms of peaceful co-existence is worst than a country where military dictatorship exist. We have reached to a situation where, mob enter Parliament and commit insurrection with impunity, Police force dragging women in the street, beat and throw them into cells for crying they and their children are hungry, how can the Bio administration go so slow??
The women that came out in numbers to demonstrate both in Freetown and London for freedom has made history and its hypocritical for coward men in the wells of our Parliament to debate whether to allocate 30% quota for women participation in our politics, who this men think they are to decide the fate of our brave Salone women? Under this circumstances we the men should rather take the back seat, because they (women of SL) have proven to be truly brave to Stand up against human rights violations and injustice in our country, while men are busy pilfering state resources.
Their complain against masquerading men who resort to violence against women has reached the desk of the Prime Minister of UK and the entire government of her majesty, the largest donor partner and with leverage over the government of Sierra Leone.
Kudos to all women of Sierra Leone , you have made history!