The Sierra Leone People’s Party UK /Ireland Branch did not solve its problems after all, COCORIOKO can authoritatively report. We have received three letters from contending parties which gave clear signs that the branch remains torn by conflict and feuds.
Read letters 1, 2 and 3 from the contending parties ( In the order they were received )
By: Moijueh E. KaiKai
(Publicity and Propaganda Secretary)
The two-week debate and petition over the UK Branch elections result has now
been resolved through the personal intervention of His Excellency the High
Commissioner, Alhaji Sulaiman Tejan-Jalloh. It has been a hectic fortnight
for the High Commissioner, who has been in consultation with various members
of the branch party, particularly the council of elders, in an effort to
reach an amicable agreement that would be seen as not only fair, but also to
enable all parties to view the process as a win – win situation.
The central point of the agreement is that the elections conducted on May
30th 2004 has now been recognised as they were declared free, fair and in
accordance with the branch party’s rules and regulations (constitution), but
other members of the party who felt aggrieved and petitioned the conduct of
those elections will also be brought on board as vice chair, deputy
secretary general and ex-officio members (to be nominated by the out-going
Chairman, Mr. Jonjo) into the governance of the branch executive as part of
the process of reconciliation.
The new executive will be headed by the charismatic and respectable Mr.
Tamba Lamina, whilst the former Chairman, Mr. Samuel Jonjo will now join the
Council of elders.
Commenting on the agreement brokered by His Excellency the High
Commissioner, the out- going Chairman paid tribute to the effort of the High
Commissioner for his timely intervention in the crisis. Mr. Jonjo recalled
the progress made under his leadership, and expressed the hope that the
incoming executive would be in a better position to carry out their work
because they had the opportunity to have a point of reference in the sense
that a proper filing system was now in place. He promised to formally hand
over to the next administration as soon as all the practical arrangements
have been concluded.
The new Chairman also thanked the High Commissioner for his painstaking
efforts in brokering the agreement, and assured all present that his
administration would work towards the unity and progress of Sierra Leone and
the SLPP. Mr Lamina also thanked the elections committee, council of elders
and his campaign team.
In presenting the agreement to a jam-packed meeting of SLPP supporters at
the Sierra Leone High Commission in London on Sunday 13 June 2004, the High
Commissioner stressed the need for unity and discipline, which he described
as prerequisites for the development of any organisation. He paid a special
tribute to the sacrifices and selflessness of the out going chairman, and
called on the incoming executive to take special note of the mistakes that
happened during the previous branch administration. The High Commissioner
underscored the point that “the SLPP UK branch was a branch, and as a
branch, they were responsible to the national Party”.
Amongst those who attended the ceremony were the Chairman Council of elders,
Mr. John Sorbah-Green as well as other members of the Council of elders,
traditional leaders, and Dr. George Komba Kono who attended as an observer.
All party members in the UK are grateful to His Excellency the High
Commissioner, as this is not the first time he has come to the rescue of the
branch. This can only prove the love and dedication he has for SLPP. Once
more the branch has proven that it can live up to its slogan ‘One country
One People’.
I am sorry to have kept you in the dark about developments in this Branch
Party for the past one week. The very uncertain nature of the conclusions
and recommendations from the Reconciliation Meeting at the Sierra Leone High
Commission in London on the 13th June 2004 required time for realistic
appraisal in terms of success or failure. Such evaluation or appraisal has
now been given the required timing because at a meeting of a representative
cross-section of the disenfranchised majority of this Branch Party last
night ( 19th June 2004 ), it was unanimousy agreed that High Commissioner
Sulaiman Tejan Jalloh’s recommendations needed amendments in order to gain
acceptability with the majority of members of this Branch Party.
Rest assured that details of all these documents and all matters apertaining
will be e-maied to you in due course by Ex-Chairman Jonjo.
Abdul Kargbo Jr ( alias “Presidon” ).
I’m sorry about the delay but please accept a full report about what
transpired at the Sierra Leone High Commission-sponsored negotiations
regarding the recent dispute within the SLPP UK & Ireland Branch. Contrary
to what you may have read from “The Sierra Herald” the outcome of these
negotiations are far from crisp and dry. As you read on please take note of
the following :
1. His Excellency the High Commissioner refused to let the parties to
the dispute agree ground
rules for the Reconciliation Meeting. So whatever transpired at
that meeting of the 13th
June was purely the discretion and personal decisions of His
Excellency. ( See Page1, Par3).
2. The High Commissioner unilaterally and arbitrarily refused to
countenance suggestions for
an Interim Executive Committee of this Branch Party. ( See Page
4, Par4 and Page 5 Par6).
3. Included in the High Commissioner’s Adjudicating Team were two of
the key disputants from
one of the two disputing groups–“Justice is not served when a
man is made to sit in
adjudication over a matter in which he has partisan interest.
Page 6, Par2 and Page10 Par4)
To conclude and to contradict the High Commissioner’s Statement, “it was an
imperfect situation made more imperfect by flawed negotiations.” Thanks man.
Speak to you later. Jonjo.
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