The National Board of Education (NBE) would like to draw the attention of the public to the recent developments over the issue between the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and the Leone Preparatory School which has attracted a lot of public attention. With the commitment made by the management of Leone Preparatory School, evidenced by correspondences sent and received from the Proprietress and the Director of the school, that they are willing to comply with the two (2) term school year as directed by the government and the Ministry of Education; and an apology letter from them for previous disregard of the Ministry, the Board is disturbed to learn that on Wednesday August 19, 2015, the Director of Leone Preparatory School, Dr. Brian Conton and Dr. Modupe Taylor-Pearce Jr. a member of the Board of the school, were on radio Democracy – 98.1 making derogatory statements that are considered unacceptable to the National Board of Education and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.
The Board would like the public to know that, contrary to what these two individuals said about the Board not having the authority to regulate the school fees of private schools and the government not having a clear authority over private schools, the Education Act of 2004; page 27; Section 25; (i) subsection (ii) and (iii) states that “The functions of the Board shall be to advice the Minister upon the following matters: (ii) The fees to be charged in educational institutions and associated facilities and {iii) Any and all proposed and existing legislation affecting education.
Also, on Page 38; section 46; subsection (i) states that “The charges including fees payable in private schools shall be fixed before the beginning of every school year and shall remain unchanged throughout the year”. Pursuant to subsection (i), subsection (ii) also states that “The Minister shall cause every private school to be inspected periodically so as to ensure that fees payable are commensurate with the facilities provided”.
Furthermore, Government White Paper on the Commission of Inquiry of 2010, states on page 5, subsection (v), that the government agrees;
“That the provision of basic education to all Sierra Leoneans at an affordable cost is a policy of government. In this regard, the proliferation of unregulated private schools and the high charges they levy is undermining the policy. Government policy therefore is that the levy of school charges by all private schools should only be effected after consultation with the Ministry of Education”.
On the strength of the above provisions, the Board wishes to inform the public that the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and the National Board of Education have the mandate to proceed along the line that they have acted on the matter with the Leone Preparatory School.
The Management of Leone Preparatory was invited to an emergency meeting by the National Board of Education on Friday 21st August, 2015 to respond to comments made by the Director and a member of the school’s Board on Radio 98.1, but no one showed up to answer to the call. The Board has therefore resolved to extend another invitation to the management of Leone Preparatory for a second time, failing which, an appropriate action would be taken; and the general public will be informed accordingly.
We thank you very much for your understanding.
Allieu Bakarr-Conteh
National Board of Education