The SLPP’s latest shame : They don’t value Sierra Leone’s economy

Published on December 1, 2010 by Cocorioko News   ·   1 Comment


By Solomon Sesay :

Does the Sierra Leone People’s Party value Sierra Leone’s economy? NO! The Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) does not value Sierra Leone’s economy. SLPP lawmakers wish the economy will fail, and collapse.  Furthermore, they want Sierra Leoneans to continue experiencing financial difficulties. SLPP does not want the socio-economic standards in the nation to change.   MPs were not at their seats, when the budget deliberations were on the floor. Did these MPs forget their oath to the people?  Did they think about the people they represent?  Was staying away from Parliament warranted at all? Was it necessary to grandstand?  The straightforward answer to all these questions is no because the SLPP do not value Sierra Leone’s economy.

The budget of Sierra Leone contains the economic activities of GoSL. It is an outline of the financial undertakings, revenue collections, and day-to-day running of the nation. The nonappearance of the Sierra Leone People’s Party MPs conveys the message of devaluing the economy of Sierra Leone. SLPP shows no interest in the economic lives of Sierra Leone. The absence of SLPP MPs from parliament demonstrates once again that they have no respect for the economy of Sierra Leone.

Unless members are bedridden or incapacitated, no excuse should justify their absence in the legislative house.  The MPs acted unwisely, and their  action exposed  them as unpatriotic Sierra Leoneans. The actions of the SLPP  cast a dark image over their party.  They showed contempt for the general assembly.  They are unconcern about the financial wellbeing of the people. If the SLPP cannot comprehend the value of the nation’s economy, how can they possibly talk about leading Sierra Leone?

SLPP have no value for the fiscal responsibilities of Sierra Leone.  Implementing economic plans to improve the socio-economic conditions of the masses is of no significance to the SLPP.  The SLPP are upset because the well motivated and focus President Koroma has engaged the people in developing the nation.  With nothing else to do, they travel across Sierra Leone in caravans to engage in bizarre activities. Even more bizarre is the negligence of the MPs of their lawmaking obligations to the nation.

Emmanuel Tommy is the SLPP’s minority leader in parliament, representing the constituency in question. Since he is unable to control the violence in his constituency, he has proving to the nation and the world that he lacks the leadership ability to represent the people of Kono. Disgracefully, he is participating in the fabrication of events involving his voting public.  Emmanuel Tommy is an unfit representative for Kono. Emmanuel Tommy does not value Sierra Leone’s economy; Emmanuel Tommy lacks crucial leadership abilities.  Emmanuel Tommy is disinterested in the development and stability of the people of Kono. May the electorate find it within themselves to vote against Emmanuel Tommy in 2012.

Like Emmanuel Tommy, the other SLPP Members of Parliament have misplaced values and priorities. SLPP has no plans to better the lives of Sierra Leoneans. Their eyes are set on the seat of power, without making amends for misleading the nation for the eleven  years they were in power. Instead of riding in convoys to come represent their constituencies in parliament, they are riding in convoys to go spread the message of divisiveness, tribalism, and favoritism in Sierra Leone. The Kono district does not want any part to play in the SLPP drama. The Kono people do not want whiners and crybabies,  the people are looking for winners, and developers. Emmanuel Tommy is a wailer and crybaby whom the people of Kono should remove in 2012.

The exceptional undertakings of President Koroma’s administration, show that the APC value the economy of Sierra Leone.  President Koroma is thrifty, as he realizes that Sierra Leone has a long way to go. While the SLPP appears to be sluggish and dreary, the APC and PMDC have proceeded to resolve issues before the house. The SLPP’s absence is reminiscence of the days when they were in power.  Under the reigns of the SLPP, parliament was empty, and Berewa was napping in front of the assembly. The SLPP has never shown genuine concern for Sierra Leone’s economy.

Before they lost the majority in Parliament, the people lamented over the deplorable economic conditions.  The SLPP ignored the observations of the People.  They had other priorities instead of addressing the economic concerns of Sierra Leoneans.  The SLPP misrepresented facts by giving  the impression that everything was fine.  In actuality, the SLPP had misused the funds meant for the infrastructural development  of Sierra Leone. Mediocrities  were their tactics when dealing with top issues concerning Sierra Leoneans. Failure to take part in the budget debate of the nation is a travesty. The SLPP put on display  the hallmarks of a laborious and contemptible bunch of misinformed politicians.  Beginning with Emmanuel Tommy, all members of parliament who were not at their seat during budget deliberations must be disciplined.  MPs must be held accountable for their actions. They acted like they careless about the budget or want to take part its deliberations. Their actions prove that SLPP Members of Parliament, do not value the economy of Sierra Leone.

Just Keeping it Real

From Solo with Love

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