By Kabs Kanu
Journalist Amadu Lamrana Bah has reported that the U.S. Ambassador Bryan Hunt has made it clear to AYV TV that the MCC Scorecards which have been disputed by Sierra Leoneans ( who think they are fake ) will not determine whether President Maada Bio gets the U.S $500 million MCC Compact grant. At least, this has reassured Sierra Leoneans that the Ambassador is on the same page with them. Ambassador Hunt says that getting the money is a long way yet and will depend on the seriousness of Bio to implement the provisions of the recent dialogue .
Well, our hearts have been put back to rest and thank you, Mr. Ambassador for clarifying the issue. The deceitful SLPP media left that part out. We know Bio.
If the U.S. had depended on the falsified scorecards alone, Bio would have been empowered to go on and do worse things to our country. We do not want him to feel that he has gotten away with all the killings, humsn rights abuses and broad daylight robbery of our elections. We still dispute the authenticity of the scorecards. Giving him the money based on the fake MCC scorecards would have sent a very bad message, created a dangerous precedent and worsened the spirit of impunity in this SLPP Government. Now, our confidence in Ambassador Hunt and the U.S. has been restored.
With our politicians not aggressive and bold enough to make Bio accountable to the people, it is on America that we, Sierra Leoneans , depend for saving our democracy. That is why we criticize America whenever it seems to us that they are helping Bio .
Now, the truth is out.
Long live the United States of America. May God help you restore democracy in our country.
I still stand by my views however that the duplicitous MCC themselves and not Ambassador Hunt should have conveyed the news of the scorecards to Bio to establish the fact that the MCC is independent of the U.S. Federal government. Knowing the SLPP for looking for any straw to cling on to seek recognition and belief that their bad governance and abuses of the people were endorsed by stakeholders and moral guarantors , the Ambassador should not have gone to State House, let alone engage in photo ops with the dictator who is under U.S and international censure. Posing with Bio and the fake MCC scorecards sent the wrong message to Sierra Leoneans whose only hope now is America.
The Ambassador is doing a great job but he has to understand the mentality of the people he is dealing with.