The Stevens Family and The Executor of the Estate of the Late Dr. Siaka P. Stevens, have taken the decision to republish “What Life Has Taught Me”. The republication is in two parts. Part I covers the political career of Siaka Stevens and his role in shaping the political landscape of modern Sierra Leone. Part II covers his early childhood, growing up, education, surviving the depression, and his first job.
Dr. Siaka Probyn Stevens continues to influence the politics of Sierra Leone and the lives of Sierra Leoneans. He is part of the history of Sierra Leone. It is therefore important that Sierra Leoneans have access to his autobiography.
Dr. Siaka P. Stevens was a pioneer in many ways; (in 1964) he was both leader of the Opposition and Mayor of Freetown simultaneously, a feat yet unparalleled and unprecedented in the political history of Sierra Leone; the first Opposition Leader in Africa to lead his Party to Government through the ballot box; the second African President (after Late Julius Nyrere) ever to relinquish power voluntarily; first voices in what became a chorus of protests in Africa over the lending policies of the International Monetary Fund. Subsequent global condemnation of this policy validates Dr. Stevens stand and re-echoes his vision.
There is much in these pages to interest anyone — thoughts about the temptations of corruption, views on ideologies, and free speech. Siaka Stevens talks about his supporters and his opponents. He remembers the first Prime Minister, Sir Milton Margai, with reverence and respect — even when he reflects on his imprisonment during that period.
Perhaps most revealing of Stevens (and especially interesting to scholars for its new information and perspectives), is his assessment of the military, attempts on his life, coups he tried to forestall by gentle warnings to potential perpetrators, those that were attempted and failed, as well as the one that succeeded in 1967.
Stevens brings this period vividly to life and in the process poses difficult questions about how one controls a military bent on intervention in political affairs. Siaka Stevens has been more successful than many political leaders in this regard and as such his thoughts, concerns, and actions are particularly important. This book is important in addition because it reveals much more than the life of Siaka Stevens. It is also about the process of development, decolonization, and the dynamics of nation building.
Francis Stevens George.
“What Life Has Taught Me”: The Political Career of Dr. Siaka Probyn Stevens and Nation Building. A Republication of the Autobiography of Siaka Stevens
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- 9781312231832
- Copyright
- Francis Stevens George & The Stevens Family (Standard Copyright License)
- Edition
- Part I
- Publisher
- Francis Stevens George & The Stevens Family
- Published
- May 28, 2014
- Language
- English
- Pages
- 512
- Binding
- Perfect-bound Paperback
- Interior Ink
- Black & white
- Weight
- 1.85 lbs.
- Dimensions (inches)
- 6 wide x 9 tall
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