Sierra Leoneans, wake up !!!! RUF and SLPP crime boss Allie Kabba is shuttling between Guinea and Liberia to recruit illegal voters for 2023 elections


At times, we in Sierra Leone are so stoic, so dormant , so unconcerned about the welfare of our country that we wonder why we are one of the most impoverished nations in the world. Over 60 years of Independence have brought us nothing but dirt-poor squalor, shame, suffering , pain and eternal disappointment.

Our country never seems to ever go forward. Every day, every night, it is backwardness perpetually and why not ? Even, we, the ordinary people do not care for our country. We want things to happen, but we do nothing to make them happen. We leave everything in the hands of godless, god-forsaken, heartless and corrupt politicians.


Look at Allie Kabba, one of the men who brought the limbs-chopping RUF  butchers to Sierra Leone. He is having a free rein and nobody is questioning his activities, though he helped bring the war to Sierra Leone that killed over 50,000 people, destroyed our infrastructure and left a colony of amputated victims.  He came to America as Sierra Leone’s Permanent Representative to the UN and engaged in massive corruption and his boss, President Bio , had to withdraw him and send him to Egypt on a less profiled ambassadorial appointment. He has been implicated in the multi-million dollar corruption case at the Sierra Leone New York Mission but his boss has not made him to be among those being tried and instead he has been given free facilities to roaming the country on more criminal enterprises.

Now, guess what Allie Kabba is doing ? He is shuttling between Guinea and Liberia to recruit citizens of those two countries to come and vote illegally for the SLPP  during next year’s General Elections. Sierra Leonean social media commentators, providing even photos, have exposed this criminal activity by Allie Kabba, whose feet are never hesitant about going on criminal crusades. His whole life had been built on criminality and he has moved the stage even further by planning to bring thousands of fake voters from Guinea and Liberia to vote for the SLPP.

Since the latest Allie Kabba crime was exposed, there should have been an outcry among Sierra Leoneans by now as it would have been the case if it had happened in Liberia, where citizens are more politically active, conscious, particular and intolerant of the political crimes we gloss over in dormant Sierra Leone. Not even the opposition political parties have said anything. Everybody is silent, and Allie Kabba will get away with it again.

What a pathetic nation.

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