By Unisa Conteh
The ultimatum to down tools expires after 21 days!
The Junior Doctors Association have announced that they will be issuing a 21 day ultimatum to the Ministry of Health and Sanitation as they demand better conditions of service.
The Association is expected to discuss issues affecting them and the medical system in the country starting Monday 5th and Tuesday, 6th November hence they will not be providing services to the public.
This action from the Junior Doctors Association came few days after Members of Parliament passed a motion for an increase of their salaries and other allowances.
The Sierra Leone Teachers Unions has also issued a communiqué urging the Government to implement the agreed revised conditions of service for teachers!
Junior Doctors are also asking for better pay and improved conditions of service before the MPs take a lion’s share of the national cake.
Why do we think decent life is reserved exclusively for stupid politicians?
Sources say the Sierra Leone Nurses Association is warming up to ask for better pay and improved conditions of service including wardrobe and fuel allowances!
Competent sources contacted in connection with the lavish allowances tabled before Parliament have confirmed that the document is authentic but that the MPs have decided to backpedal their decision following the avalanche of public condemnations!
The attempted abroad day robberies by the MPs have opened a plethora of demands for better pay and conditions of service in various Government Departments.
The “bush draw rope” saga continues!