Lorenzo Labor
Coming back to Chief Samsumana, he came back to sierra leone and formed C4C Political party and contested in 2018 general elections.
Sam Sumana arrived at Lungi from abroad and as tradition demands his party members converged at the airport to welcome him ( is that strange?) Is it a crime to welcome there leader? Is it a crime to travel through port loko enroute to freetown ? Is is a crime for Chief Sam to witness a football match? Is it a crime to say thanks to all those who travelled all the way to lungi to welcome him? There is no were in the 1991 constitution that prevents a citizen let alone a former Vice President to witness a football match or to say thank you to his C4C supporters. The police did not handle Samsumanas issue at portloko with the respect he deserves as a former VP. But who do we blame? EBK !
Let us also remember that what goes around comes around. The Slpp gov.has no blame in all this. Its purely police orders to embarrass the former VP because EBK As former president and his hypocrites disrobed a whole Chief in public therefore what do you expect others to do?
Let us all keep in mind that what goes around comes around and what ever a man soweth that shall he reap.
L D C Labor
All Peoples Congress.