I have worked in the Presidency and I know the Office of the First Lady wasn’t entitled to funds from the Consolidated Funds. I personally sometimes raised little funds to support her Office. Some of you misleading our current First Lady and encouraging her to speak to this issue without proper guidance on legal implications are the REAL SERPENTS!!
I don’t always agree with her way of doing things, but she has done some good work. I feel sad about the Africanist Press issue and the manner she has responded to it. And please don’t tell me she doesn’t listen, we have structures in place which shouldn’t have allowed those ” alleged funds” to see the light of day in her account while statutory institutions and Ministries starve from government allocations. Do you truly understand the implications of this issue nationally and internationally?

Whatever I may think of the First Lady, I detest seeing her being in any kind of embarrassment especially something that has ” possible finacial misappropriation.” Despite her claim of Sierra Leonean Women not liking her, I want her to know that some of us don’t subscribe to that mischaracterization. What perturbs the likes of us is how people who should know better including the Office of the President would allow the First Lady to be entangled in public funds saga. If she is embarrassed we are all affected because she is the First Lady of Sierra Leone- and that makes her business my and your businesses.
And to add iodine to our financial permanent fasting, the Ministry of Finance is awarded for what?????? By the way Presidential Awards for MDAs didn’t start with this administration. Where are the women-led Ministries? I believe few are doing some excellent job especially Ministry of Foreign Affairs – for example, do you understand what it means to get a Judge at the ICC? Anyway, if any female-led Ministry won- congratulations in advance until I see the full list.
I am not happy with Government’s response on the Africanist Press allegations- why did they decline speaking to BBC’s Umaru Fofana, but didn’t stop the First Lady?
This is not an issue that would go away without the right response. Please guide the First Lady because if you don’t I will join her to reinforce the ” sweh against the SERPENTS!” You should all know better not to allow her to get into such public mess. She didn’t put a gun to anyone’s head to provide her with State Funds she wasn’t entitled to. If this is true, I blame the President and Minister of Finance not the First Lady!!! She spent what those who knew better gave her- period. We do have systems in place to have STOPPED these ” alleged fund” transactions. This New Direction of transferring Public Funds into the First Lady’s account is the Wrong Direction! Sort it Out!!
Any careless talk on my page won’t be entertained.
@Naasu Fofanah