By Abdulai Senesie :
Following the riot in Bo yesterday, eighteen accused persons have pleaded guilty to the following offenses at the Bo Magistrate Court: Riotous Conduct, Disorderly Behavior, Throwing of Missiles and Malicious Damage to Government Property. All eighteen were sentenced alternatively from six to three year imprisonment on each count, or pay a fine ranging from SLL 500,000.00. to SLL 1,000,000.00. on each count. None of the convicts could pay the fines by the close of business today and therefore, all eighteen have been remanded at the Bo Prisons.
The curfew that was imposed yesterday in the city of Bo has also been extended to today from 8: pm to 6: am. This, according to the Regional Police Commander, AIG David Sesay, is as result of the intelligence the police have been gathering for the past few days.
In a similar development, the Regional Chairmen of the three main political parties SLPP, APC and PMDC have stated in a stakeholders meeting this afternoon that they have confirmed that the ballots in the discovered ballot boxes, which sparked the whole incident, were indeed tallied as claimed by the NEC chairperso
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