13th September, 2024

The National Secretary General
All People’s Congress Party
11a Old Railway Line
Freetown, Sierra Leone

Dear Sir,


As an auxiliary organization supporting the All People’s Congress (APC) party, we wish to bring to your attention our serious concerns regarding the persistent abuses of power by the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) government. We believe their actions undermine our Constitution, waste state resources, and endanger the future of democracy in Sierra Leone. Additionally, we are concerned about the APC’s perceived inadequate response to these issues, which could jeopardize the integrity of future elections.

Key Concerns:

1. Census Manipulation and Abuse of Power:
The SLPP government’s decision to bypass the traditional ten-year census in 2022 in favor of a mid-term census aimed at inflating figures in their strongholds is highly concerning. Now, plans are underway for yet another census in 2025, ahead of the 2028 General Elections. We view this as a strategic manipulation of the electoral system, a misuse of state resources, and a violation of constitutional provisions on fair representation.

2. Proportional Representation in the 2023 Elections:
The SLPP imposed proportional representation in the June 24, 2023, elections despite the existence of functional constituencies. This decision violated the Constitution, which clearly defines when proportional representation should be employed, and further undermined the credibility of our democratic processes.

3. Erosion of the Rule of Law:
Although the APC and other political parties have challenged the SLPP’s actions in court, the concentration of power within the SLPP and their control of key state institutions have eroded the rule of law. Independent observers, both local and international, have described the June 24 election as lacking transparency or opaque, yet the SLPP remains focused on consolidating its hold on power through constitutional amendments.

4. Constitutional Manipulation:
The recent announcement by the Deputy Attorney General regarding a completed review of the Constitution raises serious concerns about potential manipulation aimed at entrenching the SLPP’s authority. Such actions risk undermining our democratic framework.

5. Ignored Recommendations and Continued Persecution:
Despite the recommendations of the TRIPARTITE investigation into the June 24 elections, the SLPP government has taken little action. Instead, politically motivated prosecutions, the disappearance of political prisoners, and the continued dismissal of APC supporters from public offices persist, threatening national unity and democracy.


1. Urgent Legal Counteraction:
The APC must establish a strong legal team to challenge the legality of the 2025 census and any constitutional changes that serve to entrench the SLPP. If the APC participates in the census process, it must ensure transparency and communicate this clearly to the public, while closely monitoring all stages of the process.

2. Mobilize Public Support:
The APC should engage in nationwide public awareness campaigns to educate citizens on the dangers of the SLPP’s actions, especially their manipulation of the electoral process and the Constitution. The public must fully grasp the significance of these actions for our democracy.

3. Demand Transparency and Accountability:
The APC must pressure both local and international bodies to ensure that the recommendations of the TRIPARTITE investigation are implemented. Diplomatic efforts should continue to secure international monitoring of Sierra Leone’s political situation.

4. Strengthen Internal Unity:
A unified APC is essential to effectively counter the SLPP’s tactics. The party must address internal divisions and strengthen its organizational structure to anticipate and respond swiftly to further manipulations by the SLPP. To quote Abraham Lincoln, “I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives; I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him.” We at AASMeG take pride in our APC heritage and stand united in our goals. The APC must stand together, as divided we will fall.

5. Lobby for International Support:
The APC should seek the backing of international organizations and foreign governments to exert pressure on the SLPP to respect democratic norms. International attention can serve as a key deterrent to further abuses of power.

In conclusion, these issues require urgent and decisive action. As a formidable political force, the APC must protect the democratic future of Sierra Leone. We trust the party leadership will carefully consider these recommendations and act promptly to address the critical political challenges ahead.

Yours sincerely,

Ibrahim Foday Sesay
General Secretary

National Chairman

Deputy National Chairman

National Leader of the APC Party

Deputy National Leader

National Organizing Secretary

National Publicity Secretary

President, National Women’s Congress

President, National Young Congress

Leadership in Parliament

Mayors and Chairpersons in Council

Former Flag Bearers

Former Ministers

Former Councillors