People’s power : Only way to remove an illegal President like Julius Maada Bio


By Kabs Kanu

Indeed, the tyrannical Maada Bio is worried sick that the incoming ECOMOG forces will obliterate and terminate his wicked human rights abuses against innocent civilians and the opposition All People’s Congress ( APC ) .When they rise up against him now, his uncivilized Kamajor forces will no longer be able to kill them at will as he had been doing since he came to power in 2018.

When ECOMOG would have fully deployed, it is even possible that they may even usurp some of Bio’s power as a sovereign leader and Sierra Leone’s status as a sovereign state. Bio, the megalomaniac leader, is very angry that with the coming of ECOMOG , Bio will no longer be Bio and it will no longer be business as usual. But , as we can see, claims that ECOMOG are coming specifically to overthrow him do not add much to his sleepless nights because he knows ECOMOG has not been given that mandate. There is a remote possibility that it could still happen but he will have to cause it and invite it upon himself. If Bio challenges their authority and impudently sets up tragic and deadly clashes between ECOMOG and the Kamajor army and police, ECOMOG may well decide to up the game and remove the nuisance for once. However, for now, sleep- deprived as he is, Bio continues his economically- wasteful travels around the world because ECOMOG , we see from the ECOWAS communiques, has no specific instruction for now to stage a coup in Sierra Leone and install another leader ( Unless there is something some people know that we are not au fait with ).

However, let all the MPs, councillors and public functionaires withhold their services and let Sierra Leoneans resolve in their hearts to challenge his demonic and totalitarian power and start going into the streets to protest —and see if Bio will not stop sleeping, stop eating Fatima Bio’s fattening Gambay dishes that have turned him into a bloated imp and also stop his Gullivers Travels- like jerrymandering around the world , knowing fully well , as he does , that if there is anything capable of ousting him and his illegal government, it is PEOPLE’S POWER.

I do not trust Britain, the United States of America, the European Union, and what – have- you. I do not trust the international community because most often they do not fight proxy wars for the people.

When they do fight in foreign lands, it is most often to remove sadistic leaders like Muamer Ghaddafi, Sadam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden who directly threaten their economic and cultural interests and their neocolonialist proclivities and designs. Or if , like Samuel Doe of Liberia , a leader has lost control of his country, his borders ,his people and state territorial integrity. The U.S in particular will move to effect a coup to stop terrorists from coming in and using the failed state as a base and springboard to threaten American interests. Or, if, as it happened to Yaya Jammeh and Laurent Gbagbo , the elections commission had pronounced them losers and they refuse to leave. Bio knows that these are not the cases in his country now.

However, Bio is worried that People’s Power is the surefire way to remove his despotic government, order than a well- executed military coup.He walks around with a foreboding that if the people of Sierra Leone are ready for him today, it is the end of the gingerbread boy . There will be no hope for him. PEOPLE’S POWER will remove him within two shakes of a lamb’s tail.

I say it again at the cost of another round of verbal abuses and Mammy cuss on me by misguided APC bloggers and errant newspaper publishers that Sierra Leoneans are bungling their finest moment to remove Bio by erroneously depending on ECOMOG ( Short of Bio provoking and fighting the force and compelling them to upscale their mandate from stabilizing the nation to wiping him out ),instead of resorting to civil disobedience and protests and rendering the country ungovernable by peaceful means.

Whose heart is not pained by seeing an election robber like Maada Bio perambulating, showcasing and perpetuating his stolen mandate all over the place ? It hurts to think that Maada Bio would commit the most heinous and spectacular unconstitutional power grab ever in the history of Sierra Leone and get away with it. Call it electoral justice or any name you will. Bio deserves to be removed . He is occupying a stolen mandate .

Whenever I see the sad face of my friend and brother, Dr. Samura Kamara, my heart breaks because he is the personification of life’s unfairness to a man. Two times in a row, he was criminally robbed by Maada Bio of the opportunity to become the legitimate President of Sierra Leone. Do people think it does not hurt us ? It surely does but however much we feel sorry for him, we cannot join others to fool him by believing in a mirage, a hallucination ,a delusion, and an illusory and deceitful dream.

Unless Samura Kamara himself is relishing and secretly supporting the “ECOMOG IS COMING TO OVERTHROW BIO” ignus fatuus, those peddling that pipe dream are helping to rub acid in the wounds of this illustrious gentleman.We should be strumming up more popular support for his cause among the people and getting them to be ready to be the last resort to restore the constitutional mandate stolen from him by Maada Bio, which is the better and more realistic option.

It is like a broken record when we keep repeating it but it is the fact. Only People’s power will help Dr. Samura Kamara achieve electoral justice, which is his divine and constitutional right since he won the 2023 Presidential elections. Supporters of Samura Kamara should turn their activism into mobilizing the people.

Samura Kamara has the grassroots on his side. Majority of the people will adhere if called upon to rise up to seek electoral justice for him. Maada Bio must be rendered ineffectual to govern. He must be made to lose control of Sierra Leone. No leader will remain in power for long if he loses the support and cooperation of his people and the institutions of power.

That is the only way we will have electoral justice in Sierra Leone. PEOPLE’S POWER.We all know what happened during the ARAB SPRING. It was the people and only the people, bold, resolute, obstinate, steadfast, tenacious ,unshaken , uncompromising, who forced aged-old despots and dictators to be overthrown or flee their countries.

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