By- A. M. Bangura
With just about three months after he presented his credentials to the South Korean president, the Korean government has donated kits through the government of Sierra Leone to the Ministry of Health and Sanitation in Sierra Leone to help combert the spread of the Ebola outbrake which hits the country.
What was seen in December as President Koroma’s most controversial nomination, Ambassador Golley has vowed to ensure that Sierra Leone enjoys from it’s South South-East Asian counterpart.
Because of the competition for Trade and Agriculture in Africa between Asia powerhouses; China, Japan etc, South Korea as he puts it, is willing to establish bilateral links with Africa states and Sierra Leone being at the apex of it’s agenda
Finally, Ambassador Golley disclosed that there is more to be benefited by Sierra Leone, and due to his steadfast diplomatic efforts he has been able to win the heart of our Korean brothers, to help in improving our Agricultural, Trade, Energy and Engineering sectors.
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