All People’s Congress APC-USA Branch From the Office of the Chairman
Interim Chairman’s State of the APC-USA Report
Ladies and gentlemen of our noble All Peoples Congress (APC), today, December 7, 2014 marks one year of my interim administration in office. An arrangement reached through open and in-depth discussions and consultations with our party elders and all APC stakeholders in the United States that were able and fortunate to be present in Washington. Hence, the APC-USA was borne, replacing APC-NA.
The main reason for the birth of APC-USA, among other reasons, is to foster and maintain peace amongst us. I am proud to say, with humility that we have collectively worked to attain and sustain such a lofty goal. The collective branch membership has shown character growth and maturity. This growth is not because of the admonishing of one person, neither my leadership alone, but through the mere resolve of the branch constituents. We realized that we should and must exhibit a political behavior befitting and worthy of reckoning both inside and outside the APC. This display of maturity and respectability for the views and independent freedom of speech for branch members without fear of unreasonable attacks has caught the ears of our party secretariat. Above all, it has caught the attention of our chairman and leader, Dr. Earnest Bai Koroma.
Besides the maintenance of peace and tranquility, we have shown incremental growth in numerous other areas. After prior disappointments, the APC-USA with the collaboration and support of our national secretariat has begun the acquisition of national party membership identification cards. This process, I assure you all, is not going to be transient, but perpetually active. The second batch of such ID cards is now in route to our branch Secretary General while the third batch is being printed at this time.
As a branch, we were proactive in the fight against the Ebola. Just after the sad news of Ebola attacking our neighboring Guinea, the APC national Youth League initiated the gloves drive. The gloves were donated to the Ministry of Health and Sanitation through our national secretariat. As the Ebola subsequently entered our beloved Sierra Leone, the branch yet again decided to support our government by sending fifty million leones (Le. 50,000,000). Thanks for displaying such genuine love of party and country.
Other future branch initiatives that we must consider with seriousness as party loyalists include assisting our party during this period of test and tribulation in our country. I want to call your attention to the fact during such times of difficulty; political parties usually struggle to harness funds from their usual donors. Even ordinary monthly contributions from branches become a herculean task. Secondly, we must set our radar towards the upcoming and delayed national census; a task that we have to show a significant contribution. We must gear ourselves up for the next national and presidential elections to maintain control of both Parliament and the presidency. Finally, we look forward to the national convention and elections in our branch that has shown unprecedented patience.
Ladies and gentlemen, all of these achievements and proposed plans could not be realized without the support of our chapter presidents and their constituents. Therefore, I want take this opportunity, on behalf of all, to thank our able chapter presidents for their relentless and unsolicited support in fostering and maintaining growth in our branch.
Make no mistake, the road ahead is still steep and difficult to tread toward ultimate and complete success for this and subsequent branch administrations. However, I am confident, as many of you are that collectively we shall overcome.
Long Live APC, God bless our chairman and leader, and may the almighty eradicate the dreadful Ebola scourge in Sierra Leone.
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