As Ambassador Bryan Hunt in bed with Maada Bio, America shows that it is really not interested in democracy , period.

By Kabs Kanu

The foreign policies of the United States have come under biting scrutiny in Sierra Leone, where America , as it has done in many other countries, is cuddling a tyrannical and killer President, who has thumbed his nose at democracy, the rule of law and the tenets of human rights.

No Sierra Leonean is impressed anymore with America’s commitment to democracy and human rights. Ambassador Bryan Hunt, through his duplicity, compromise with the corrupt and tyrannical government of Maada Bio ( And even accompanying Bio to America recently to help him beg Congress to lift the suspension of the MCC Grant )  has damaged America’s credibilty as a nation leading the frontline to promote democracy and good governance in the world.

How can this Ambassador look at a human butcher and human rights abuser and elections thief like Maada Bio and even encourage him when his predecessor loathed Bio to his guts and could not stand him ?

Bryan Hunt is a disappointment to American values , but the very America itself cannot escape blame. How can we ever trust America again after all the “big mouth” yapping they made that Maada Bio must be seen to have implemented the Agreement of National Unity before the MCC Grant will ever be approved only to renege on their word and commitment ?

Sierra Leoneans’ disenchantment with America worsened last week when the U. S. Congress went ahead and signed with the President Bio government the U.S $480 Millennium Challenge Corporation ( MCC )  Compact grant the U.S had put on hold because of the undemocratic governance of the Bio SLPP Government and for stealing in broad daylight the 2023 Presidential Elections.


At times, I want to feel that America secretly hates the opposition All Peoples Congress (APC ) for reasons best known to itself.

If the APC had gone to the Sierra Leone People’s Party ( SLPP )  headquarters and fired live bullets there and killed innocent people , then stolen the elections as Maada Bio did, the APC’s head would have remained in it and we would not have got the MCC. Look at the killings, human rights abuses, violations of elections laws , blatant daylight elections robbery and grandscale corruption by the SLPP that they have got away with .

But I blame the APC also. The party is too weak . The APC  should not have  been  listening to America and other members of the international community and their bogus agreements of national unity. People treat you the way you allow them to do so. APC allowed America to treat it as America has done.

President Ernest Koroma was a shining light in governance and the APC did not commit atrocities as SLPP have done. But America has shown more favour towards the SLPP than the APC. This leaves no doubt that America is in love with rogue, bloody and dictatorial governments than good regimes.

America is a very biased player in international politics. That is why nobody listens to them in the Middle East and some parts of the world. APC must stop listening to America. They can’t do anything to us.

Maada Bio came to the U.S and publicly cussed America in public forums. What did they do to him ? It is those who fear America who suffer. America lied that they had imposed a travel ban on the SLPP. NAR DE TIME SEF AMERICA BECOME WATERSIDE ROAD FOR THE SLPP.

If APC do not change our international diplomatic policies and operations, and stop listening to America, we will find it difficult to achieve our goals.

America knows that the SLPP are the ones holding back the deployment of ECOMOG , but what are they doing about it ? Nothing. It is America that is in Bio’s pockets, not the other way around. Shame on America.

That is why Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso , Guinea Bisau and some African countries are defying America and not listening to them. Are they not the very ones going back to pacify these countries ?

It is difficult to believe that Maada Bio shed all that blood and committed all those atrocities and still won the MCC Compact, though the annual U.S State Department reports indict SLPP and Bio seriously of these crimes.

America must be careful the way they handle APC. One day, they will see the other side of the APC if they do not stop.

Dr. Mankota Sparrow

Rev. Kabbs Kanu,
It looks like you are too late. This article could have been relevant one and half year ago when some of us were warning the APC leadership not to absolutely rely on the international community for their political viability.

I agree with all that you said, but it’s far too late. The damage has already been done.

Before the election, I noticed that our party was too reliant on the international community, especially America. I made many programs on my TV channel and even audios on social media warning the APC party that this was a big mistake because I was sure they’re going to leave us in the middle of the ocean.

The US doesn’t have permanent friends. They have permanent interests. If their friendship collides with their interest, they are going to side with their interests. You should know that because you were a diplomat.

In this era, no one is going to solve your problems if you’re not serious. The US realized the APC party leadership is not serious. Maybe this is a lesson that we should learn from for future references. 🙏🙏🙏


America does not give a damn about democracy. The sooner people realize and accept this fact, the easier they can deal with the U.S. It’s almost never about democracy. It’s always about control. Maada hitched his wagon to the Isrealis. This is Maada’s tunnel to the U.S.’ favors.

The National Unity and its baby, the tripartite, were consequences of Konneh’s refusal to release the disaggregated data. So, how and why did Samura negotiate for everything under the sun but made no demand for the disaggregated data as a condition?

Everyone seems eager to skip these glaring facts and jump to generalized blame game that leaves no one accountable, but *SAMURA KAMARA* is the accountable party for these negotiations. He needs to show leadership, if he is capable, and take ownership instead of trying to smear and blame others.




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