Anti-Corruption Commission Chairman, Francis Ben Kaifala, will be arrested and put on trial when the next government takes over, hopefully. This is one of the corrupt, despicable and loathsome individuals serving this morally and spiritually bankrupt SLPP Government who must pay a very dire price when power changes over and Sierra Leoneans abroad must hound him if he ever escapes abroad.KAIFALA MUST BE MADE TO ENJOY NO PEACE IN EXILE.

If the likes of Ben Kaifala are not arrested and punished by the next government, not only will people lose confidence in that regime, but it would be the greatest miscarriage of justice ever perpetrated.

He was appointed and is being paid from the Consolidated Fund to deliver transparent and accountable service but he has been a wretched model of these ideals. Not only is he one of the progenitors of corruption himself, Corruption during his tenure has grown a green face. Once your face is green, you will not be investigated even if you commit the greatest fraud. You are only corrupt when you hail from the Northwest or bear a red color. Such a mindset deserves to be punished in our country.

Kaifala, being the shamelessly corrupt, tainted and marred product he is, should have had no business with last week’s Sierra Leone Bar Association election. Whoever imposed him to serve as returning officer was a criminal himself. It was conflict of interests of the highest order to have this manifestly pro- SLPP and irredeemably corrupt Anti- Corruption Commissioner Ben Keifala conduct the elections. A neutral person should have been selected. The lawyers were right to have protested because Ben Keifala was not a credible choice for such an assignment where the degree of impartiality in conducting this process was expected to be perfect . Merely having a discredited and despised government functionary like Francis Ben Keifala voided the authenticity of the whole process. In one of many videos that have gone viral on social media, lawyers could be seen protesting that they were not allowed to vote and over 70% of their colleagues were barred from voting.

The margin of victory for SLPP’s Tuma Gento Kamara was very large and it raises many questions about why lawyers went berserk and are claiming that the election was rigged. But the reason was obvious One lawyer was heard contending that only Keifala knew where he got that result because it did not reflect how the votes were cast. Kaifala cooked the results paopa-style. This is the wretched face of anti-corruption endeavors in our sick country. Kaifala deserves to hang his hydra-headed monster head in shame.

But again, I blame the hypocritical U.S and the international community for the irreparable havoc bandits like Kaifala continue to commit in Sierra Leone. Only a country that is sick in the head morally will continue to commend a criminal like Kaifala and give him fake and bogus awards. By the way, what happened to the travel ban imposed by the U.S on individuals who undermined democracy in Sierra Leone ? Kaifala was one of the kingpins of the elections robbery committed by the SLPP Government and the Mafia boss, President Maada Bio last year. For him not to be affected by the ban clearly demonstrates that the U.S itself is a farce.

Anyway, as we say in Sierra Leone, TIME GO FIT CLOCK. Judgement Day is coming in Sierra Leone as it did in Ghana ( Thanks to Flight Lieutenant Jerry Rawlings ) , Liberia and the Congo. It may tarry but it will surely come and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Kaifala can continue provoking the nation by publicly dancing with the equally destructive and pagan First Lady Fatima Bio in celebration. The time of the people will come. Run with this to the bank.

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