17th May, 2021
Issues Identified On The National Civil Registration And Verification Exercise By The General Public
The general public is hereby informing the Consotium Of Progressive Political Parties (COPPP) that, the National Civil Registration Authority verification and registration process is full of challenges irrespective of the extension given. There are a number of issues identified in the process at start and of recent.

🟥 There are limited verification and registration centers.
🟥 The computers allocated to centers are too small compared to the number of individuals that wants to go through the process.
🟥 The number of staff manning the affairs of the exercise as well are limited.
🟥 Computer malfunctioning is undermining the smooth registration and verification process.
🟥 Citizens are displeased with the slow pace of the exercise in various centres across the country.
🟥 The exercise is facing huge constraints with Registration and Verification centres like Churches, Mosque, and security environment for its usage.
🟥 It is observed that, central government want to infiltrate the exercise, by not making certain registration and verification materials available on time in various locations.
🟥 Staff attitude in responding to citizens is not encouraging, which has adverse effect on the smooth operation of the process.
It is factual that, the Western Area Urban and Rural is densely populated and it requires huge human resource and sufficient equipments to aid the successful outcome of the exercise, but we are getting things on the opposite. If it continues this way, negotiations must start now for further extension, because people are determine to go through the exercise.
We are humbly calling on COPPP to do further probe on the process.
culled from Cocorioko WhatsApp forum