Christo Keili’s untimely death has dealt a crippling blow on my person. Once more, death is at our feet, like my Mende mentors would put it. My whole plan for this nice spring weekend has turned sour. Christo was a buddy, brother, helper, enabler: the list goes on to infinity. To me, and many others reading this mail, Christo was family. We grew up together in Bo town, darkened the walls of CKC, and Mount Aureol, elbowed our path through hardship and made big fun out of it all, steeped our persons in society’s sane and insane values, dated the chicks that lined our common walls, and so on and so forth. How ever can I forget one so dear to my spirit and person!

To Christo’s family here in the States and back home, I share in your grief not as a by-stander but as one deeply troubled at heart, and humbled by the overpowering thought of how death, “the necessary end” brings closure to the finest life that ever was created. My heart goes out to you – and I mean this – and together we will learn to shake it off like the many other challenges that bestride our common paths in life.

Brothers and sisters of the extended family here and back home, it is time to comfort the bereaved family consisting of Josie Keili (404-405-4290); Hannah (803-356-6372); Joy (704-921-4771) and David Keili (404-375-5823). I deliberately left out the surname for Joy and Hannah because I am advised these have surrendered the Keili name to two lucky gentlemen. Mind you, a mere telephone call at this time would mean a lot to these people. I know that these numbers work because I have just spoken to each of them this morning.
May the soul of the faithful departed, Christo Keili, rest in perfect peace!

Joskyn Kamah-Kanu
Atlanta, Georgia

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