The media handlers of the government of Sierra Leone are doing a poor job by trying to scapegoat the poor imam for the people’s rejection of the vice president. What some of you are doing right now is deliberately ignoring the silver lining of yesterday’s message from the people instead you are indulging yourselves in a diatribe against the poor imam who went by the schedule of of the jumah prayers. The vice president was not on the agenda for the day so for him to pop up and attempt to bully his way to the pulpit is despicable to say the least. It is insanely foolish for anyone to politicise yesterday’s visit by the vice president because nobody stopped him from entering the mosque or prevents him from performing his prayers. Yes, he does not need to announce his coming so also he does not need to ask for the microphone. The good news is that the people did not hide their disgust for him they let him know to his face.
The notion that because the vice president is a Muslim and he should be given priority over Samura who is a Christian defeats the purpose of our so called religious tolerance image which your government always tout as a plus to woo your imaginary investors. Now that the imam has shown religious tolerance to a non Muslim you still want to bash him for that as opposed to commending him for being a good example of what we claim to be as a nation. We hope the vice president has learnt a lesson or two from this incident that one should always becareful of what they wish for.The main objective of the vice president’s unannounced visit to that particular mosque was to gate-crash Samura’s visit. He knew Samura was going to be there so he stupidly went there to test the waters. The result of his spontaneous visit turned out to be an embarrassment of epic proportions. He was booed and heckled by the congregation while Samura was embraced like a homecoming King.
Misbaahu S Baldeh
*The Basharia Brouhaha*
I don’t like to comment on highly sensitive political and religious issues. I prefer to be an observer and learn from the contributions of experts in those fields.
That said, I think yesterday’s incidence at the Basharia Mosque
was an opportunity for the officiating Imam to showcase unity and how tolerant Islam is.
The Imam should have used his sermon to talk to both men (VP Juldeh and Dr. Samura) in the presence of their supporters on the importance of national cohesion and peaceful co-existence in the country. It was also a golden opportunity for the Imam to have addressed some of the unaddressed issues in the country. A missed opportunity for the Imam !
Am just suprised that such action was done to the VP by worshippers because by nature, Sierra Leoneans respect religious houses and it is unprecedented for them to have booed on the VP who is their Muslim brother inside the house of Allah. President Bio and Dr. Samura had attended service in the same Church without any “Sonkoh Sonkoh”.
Indeed, this mosque was a center of political activities in the days of Ogba Shetani (aka SI Koroma), fist fights were a common occurrence. The leadership of that community was beholden to SI Koroma and his APC thugs. So, for those of us who understand the role of historical events in shaping the future, I am not in the least surprised about today’s shameful events. Bashariyah of yesteryears was a politico-religious movement that followed and acted on the diktats of late Imam Bashar, founder of this movement. As today’s events demonstrates, nothing has changed from this mosque’s thuggish past. They say when you sleep with dogs you wake up with flees. When a religious community embraces a thuggish political party, you expect such thuggish behavior, it’s just that simple.
Even in America, high profile personnel request a permission to visit any religious entity, so why the V.P of SL thinks that the same protocol does not apply to him? From reliable sources Dr. Samura had requested a visit before and was turned down, and he was granted permission to visit last Friday, so I see good reason for the Imam and the mosque congregation to refuse him to speak, the platform was set for Dr. Samura, and if the V.P uses his position to speak regardless of the fact that he was not on schedule the people has every right to boo him. The V.P. Cannot use his office or position to bulldoze his way to speak to the people in the mosque by force. Besides, when this present SLPP government arrests an Imam and locked him up for removing President Bio’s picture from his mosque, I don’t see you hypocrites on FB condemning his action, so why the outcry now?
Una push go obba so bo…make we Yerri ferry🤣🤣🤣🤣.
D Game Don big wea u see V.P dea fet for recognition
Perspective Scope
I have resisted talking about this unfortunate incident about the VP and the Mosque episode
1) the prayer went well without an incident. VP was never stopped from performing his religious rites.
2) Nobody needs perimission to pray in a mosque 🕌
3) Using the Mosque platform after prayers is political
Dr Samura n VP were there as a politicians not on religious purposes otherwise after prayer they should had vacated d premises but decided to stay not to preach Islam but politic n the people responded politically.
4)No notIce needed to worhip in the mosque and pray but prior notice might be needed to use the mosque to address the people which have nothing to do with religion frankly is political
5) Base on the circumtances the mosque might grant you access to speak but everyone are welcome to come and worship but to speak might need prior notice
6)The Vice President requested to address the congregation after prayers. Notice after prayers meaning nobody stopped 🛑 anyone to worship or come to the mosque.This was improptu no notice but the Imam still acknowledged and granted our VP request to address people after prayersbut congregation rejected with outbursts so why blame the chief imam !
VP WAS GRANTED THE FULL HONOR AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT By the Chief Imam of the Basharia mosque 🕌
7) Meanwhile another dignitary Dr Samura Kamara was actually slated to speak and address the people after prayers with prior notice
8.)Despite this unprotocol visit The chief imam acknowledged our VP who came through the imam office whilst the preaching was coming to a close and many don’t know of his presence until .The imam finished his preaching and prayers with our VP on the first row
imam granted the request by the VP to address the congregation after the prayers.
The chief imam introduced the VP and observed all protocols for our VP . Many of the congregation don’t know VP was there until the imam made the announcement
The chief imam after introducing our VP handed offer the mic 🎙
VP greeted the congregation in Muslim language and they responded . VP apologized for the impromptu
9) But the congregation rejected in outburst before our VP can say any word complaining about the various conditions in the country . Notice the congregation rejected not the Imam citing various issues going on the country 😎
9) Prior notification would have prepared the minds of the congregation that Samura and VP were to address them after prayers. Notice address them after prayers which is giving platform to politicians anyway
10)The congregation thought it was unfair what is going on in the country with the many promises and economic hardship . The congregation which are the people revolt not the Iman so get the facts right
11) If our VP bin pray en go home saful no drama
12)So nobody needs permission to enter mosque or leave but to address the people after religious activies one might need prior notice . If prior notice is not available it is discretional but the people can reject it or accept it
Most importantly the man on the video is not the Chief Iman .His statement is not an official statement but personal one and have right to his view
The situation is unforturnate and feel bad for our VP but sometimes you cant control people reactions
Let seperate Religion from politics . They do met .Praying was religious but speaking after prayers is political. I rest my case
©Perspective Scope
Kanu Cristiano is with Alimamy Issa Kamara and 22 others.
Still on the issue of our VP las Friday saga..
SLPP folks are all over the social media with all their strength rantings and defending our VP not knowing that the VP himself cognizant to the fact that he is 100% wrong to go to the masjid without informing the elders of the mosque.. Folks will wanna know why and this is the ans.
First and foremost our VP Juldeh is second in command and presently the acting president in the absence of Bio was to be accorded with special protocols as a well recognised government officials with his special appointment date, but he took upon himself as another Paopa outdated element to discard promises as with the citizens of SL. “Poped” into the masjid without the consent of the elders. No body nor be get problem with that
However, for folks to know that our VP Juldeh is wrong in the first place and blame himself. How?
Ans: VP Juldeh was inside the masjid at that time, he prayed his jumah at that time and the officiating imam did recognized his presence.
After the kutubal has ended, our VP told the imam and the elders of the masjid that even though it was an unannounced visit, but he will not going without talking to his people, the poor imam and the innocent elders give our VP go ahead and the imam asked the congregation to give our VP hears, to what he was going to say, and give the mick to VP, our VP stood up to talk to his people and this are the first words of our VP
“Arsalamualakum, are wan tell una all sorry for way are nor informed una say are dae can pray na this mosque today”. And wanted to continued, but the jamatte reacted on our VP, they didn’t sit and refused to listing, some stood up and deserted and some other worshippers were chanting across the walls of the masjid ” Samura, na Samura we sabie”. Leave our VP with no choice but handover the mick and leave the masjid..
So why una lek true Ba
So y una for blame the imam

Posted by Mamadu Juma Bah on Saturday, October 26, 2019