Good News : Two Sierra Leonean doctors infected with Ebola recovering

Preliminary reports trickling in from the Hastings Treatment Center say after 72 hours of intensive treatment, Dr. Kai Songu-MBriwah has been cleared of the dreadful Ebola Virus Disease.Dr. Songu-MBriwah who has made a name for himself in the fight against the disease the Hastings Treatment Center is said to be in a stable condition.
Sources say he is strong, happy and confident. His last test results are expected to be issued over the weekend for a final decision.
Dr. Songu-Mbriwah is a captain in the Sierra Leone Army who responded to the national call to help eradicate the Ebola epidemic disease. He has been working at the Hastings since the center was set up.
Meanwhile, latest reports say Dr. Solomon Konoyima is alive and still responding to treatment.
The two medics stand great chances to become the first Sierra Leone doctors to survive the lethal disease.
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