Human Rights Campaigner warns President Bio on his expanding arrogance and pomposity

3 Cedar Road
N17 8NB
United Kingdom
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21st September 2023

Office of the President
State House
OAU Drive
Tower Hill
Sierra Leone

Dear Mr President of Sierra Leone from 2018 to June 24 2023,

I write to tell you that, while you keep expanding your arrogance and pomposity both locally and internationally, you should remember that you were once  deported from the United States of America because of your record of human rights abuses against your ex wife and your inhumane treatment against your own children.

I have carefully listed your false statements, lies and propaganda at your recent attendance at the School of International Service American University and at the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly (2023) concerning the just unconcluded multi-tier elections on 24th June 2023 and the development of Sierra Leone. You have again exhibited your lies, deceitful speech, propaganda, lawlessness, and corruption everywhere you go to represent the Green, White and Blue flag as the first gentleman of the Republic of Sierra Leone. You are supposed to be the fountain of honour and Commander-in-chief of our nation, but today you have turned out to be a fountain of horror and the Foday Sankoh of our time in the Republic of Sierra Leone by terrorising innocent and defenceless citizens; and you keep calling the people of Sierra Leone terrorist both locally and internationally. I just want you to know that you are the father of thugs, miscreants and hooligans in our country by using them in all past bye-elections across the country including the just unconcluded June 24th multi tier elections in Sierra Leone.

Mr Self-proclaimed President, I am putting it to you that Sierra Leone’s democracy is in crisis and a big mess under your watch. We are not in a police state or one party state but in a democracy. The values it embodies, particularly the right to choose leaders in free and fair elections, freedom of the press, and the rule of law, are under assault and in retreat as things are unfolding in our country. Sierra Leone is on the edge of returning to its brutal past, and I predict future post election violence and I also predict further post political instability after these just unconcluded multi tier elections on 24th June 2023. I am not proud of my country’s achievement and ethics and 72 percent of the Sierra Leone population both home and in the diaspora are not happy either since you took power in 2018 to date. The whole electioneering process from the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL) was electoral fraud, stolen elections, stage management and facade, starting from the Mayoral elections, parliamentary elections and councilor elections down to the presidential elections. This is what we call results fixing, and you are pretending as if you don’t know anything about the rigging of the June 24t multi tier election.

Mr Self proclaimed President, we all know dictators in African countries are not in the business of allowing free, fair, credible, transparent and non-violent elections that could remove them from their thrones of which you happen to be one. You have exhibited that and you are dangerously unfit to be the President of the Republic Sierra Leone. You are a politically arrogant, politically violent, fantastically corrupt and politically dishonest politician. You have demonstrated this by printing substandard voter ID cards to rig the June 24th multi tier elections. But this time around we are going to create a difficult and hostile environment for you and your so-called government officials to make sure that we have a fair and level playing field by doing a rerun of the June 24 multi tier elections; or making the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL) publish the disaggregated data of the June 24t multi tier election. The responsibility of vote counting should be held by various personnel including independent observers at all polling stations across the country. Mr Self-proclaimed President, you personally hand-picking the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL) Commissioner Mohamed Kenewui Konneh precludes any electoral independence. We want the disaggregated data of the unconcluded June 24th multi-tier elections from all polling stations across Sierra Leone to be made public to lay this matter to rest once and for all.

In the 2018 general elections, the All People’s Congress political party (APC) won Mayoral elections, parliamentary elections, councilors and chairpersons elections but lost the presidential elections. Seventy five percent of Sierra Leoneans believe that your Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) didn’t win the 2018 elections. The same All People’s Congress political party (APC) leads in June 24th, 2023 multi tier elections in the Mayoral elections, parliamentary elections, chairperson and councilor elections including the presidential elections. Now we will know if the international observers, the local observers, the international partners, the All People’s Congress political party (APC) and all Foreign Embassies in Sierra Leone are weak. Only a dishonest person of no integrity like you and your supporters would accept such an election result from the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL) in this modern age. Democracy was stolen from the people of Sierra Leone. The will of the people should be respected in every circumstance. You said elections are always in contention, if that may be the case, let’s go to the Al Gore and George Bush elections in 2000 where recounts were done in Florida and Arizona. Al Gore conceded the election results. If you truly believe you won the just unconcluded June 24th multi-tier elections, bring out the disaggregated data for the public to see or we do a recount of the people’s votes.

When citizens are denied the right to live the life they believe in, we have no choice but to become outlaws. This is no way to govern innocent citizens; we are all equal under the law. The only power your illegitimate government has is the power to crack down on peaceful protests and label us as criminals. This illegitimate government declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for citizens to live without breaking laws. I am just one of many foot soldiers. There will be many many more to follow. There is no court of law, no punishment, no intimidation, no inhumane treatment, no harassment, no threat, no police force, no military force that can stop the tide of revolution in Sierra Leone. No laws that your illegitimate government can pass that will kill the will of the people; because we will fight; we will continue to fight; until all our people are free. You can hate us, degrade us, intimidate us, threaten us, torture us, kill us but we will fight until we are free; one day we will be free. Liberty means responsibility!

Yours sincerely,


Electronically signed,
Mohamed Salieu Kamara

UK-Based Human Rights Activist campaigning for democracy, human rights and justice
1. The International Criminal Court (The ICC)
2. Delegation of the European Union to Sierra Leone
3. The United Nations
4. The UK Parliament
5. The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)
6. The Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL) Chairman Mohamed Kenewui Konneh
7. All International Partners both home and in the diaspora
8. All Foreign Embassies in Sierra Leone
9. Amnesty International UK
10. The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) of Switzerland
11.  The Human Rights Council Branch Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
12. ECOWAS Parliament
13. European Parliament
14. Office of National Security (ONS)
15. The Sierra Leone Police IG Fayia Sellu Williams and the Head of the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF)
16. Sierra Leone Parliament imposed the Speaker of Parliament for the second time Dr Abass Bundu
17. The main opposition member of Parliament Hon Chernor Maju Bah
18. International Human Rights HE Rev Dr. Momodu Conteh
19. The Sierra Leone House of Parliament
20. All Foreign Diplomats

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