By State House Communications Unit
Minister of Health and Sanitation (MoHS) Dr Abu Bakarr Fofanah has told his general staff that if only they continue to come together as demonstrated in the fight against the Ebola outbreak which has almost been defeated, the sky will be their limit. “If we come together as a ministry, the sky will be our limit,” Dr Fofanah said this while addressing a three-day workshop titled: 2015 Mid-Year Review organized by the Health Ministry at Shangri La Entertainment Complex in Freetown.
As the obstinate Ebola virus disease (EVD) wanes, the Health Ministry being focal in the fight, organized a three day workshop which commenced on the 19th August and ended the 22nd August, 2015 to assess and review the performance of the general staff and directorates.
Commenting on the outbreak, the Deputy Health Minister 11 Madam Madina Rahman said the effect of the EVD decimated the country’s fragile health system and hence reversed gains made over the years. Madam Rahman however, acknowledged the tremendous effort of the MoHS, District Health Medical Teams, hospitals and frontline health workers in containing the Ebola epidemic. “All we need as a country and people, especially the leadership of MoHS (at both national and district levels) is to demonstrate the desired seriousness and transformational leadership to bring a lasting change in our health system and the health outcomes of the citizenry,” she said.
The workshop highlighted some of the successes so far being achieved by the ministry which among others are the enhancement of patients-health worker’s safety in all service delivery points, the restoration of essential health services, improved referral system, cleaning of payroll list and absorption of staff that worked in Ebola treatment centres and the availability of ambulances across the country.
Even though Minister Fofanah associated these successes and achievement to the commitment shown by staff, he however stated that the failure of the recovery plan will not come from the shortage of funds, willingness from government and donor partners, but the inability of the ministry to deliver. “Our key role as a ministry in the recovery plan is vigilance in the monitoring system,” he cautioned.
Meanwhile, Dr Fofanah informed that his ministry through the College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences (COMAHS) will soon commence specialized post graduate medical courses in the country. “The destiny of this country lies in the hands of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation,” Chief Medical Officer Dr. Brima Kargbo said, adding that “if we unite as a ministry, we are going to effect change in the medical sector”.