When military officers struck and overthrew the government in Guinea recently , lots of Sierra Leoneans rejoiced and wished the coup had been staged in Freetown against President Maada Bio and his SLPP . They expressed the desire openly in the social media . Sierra Leoneans hate President Bio and the SLPP so morbidly that they wished the Guinea coup had happened in their country .
And with good reasons .
We all condemn military coups as undemocratic but if you ask Sierra Leoneans, they too will ask you; Is a coup any worse than the disgusting un democratic gimmicks of the ruling SLPP are in Sierra Leone ?
Yes, military coups are unconstitutional and we condemn them but if you want to know why Sierra Leoneans danced recently when we had the coup in Guinea, look at what SLPP are doing in Sierra Leone .
The opposition APC defeated them clearly last weekend in the bye-elections in Koinadugu but nobody ,even in their most wakeful moments , understands the message the SLPP government is sending by withholding the results, brazenly and criminally claiming victory themselves and refusing to call the results .Nobody also understands why SLPP expatriated thuggery at the polling stations last Saturday, as even condemned today by the independent National Elections Watch ( NEW ) .
By such thuggery and holding on to the results of the elections, What is the SLPP trying to tell Sierra Leoneans and the world ? That they will no longer allow any democratic election in Sierra Leone ? That they came to power to destroy Sierra Leone’s nascent democracy ? It seems to any reasonable person that this is the message the SLPP want to send .
Koinadugu is the overwhelming stronghold of the APC . From time immemorial , no SLPP government has ever challenged and defeated the APC in Koinadugu . It is just like Kailahun or Bo . These are SLPP strongholds and it is wishful thinking for APC to ever think of beating SLPP there .
With regards to Saturday’s elections , votes tallied at polling stations and recorded in RFI forms in the possession of stakeholders show the APC winning the elections by a landslide . It should not be surprising . Koinadugu is an APC stronghold and APC will only win there . Any government not looking for trouble or infamy would have just accepted the results, announced them and moved on.
But not the SLPP. They are so depraved in their thinking and so uncivilized and brutishly uncouth in their governance style that they would rather hijack the elections not only to deny the legitimate winners but provoke tension and chaos in the country . Why, why why ? Why won’t SLPP just allow civility, constitutionality , democracy and the rule of law to prevail in Sierra Leone ?
SLPP have always been undemocratic snd uncivilized and have been responsible for all the coups, chaos and wars in Sierra Leone. SLPP staged the first military coup in Sierra Leone in 1967 . They invited their Mende countryman, the Force Commander, Brigadier David Lansana, to seize power just to ensure that the APC did not come to power after winning the General Elections in 1967. That was a very shameful act that has brought infamy to the SLPP for all generations .
It was the SLPP that brought the Ndogbowusui bush war to Sierra Leone in 1982 that led to the death of thousands of innocent people in Pujehun District . Of course, we all know that it was the SLPP who actually planned snd brought the rebel war to Sierra Leone in 1991 and they were also responsible for staging the NPRC military coup in 1992.
SLPP detest democracy, constitutionality and civility .
President Joseph Momoh had put the machinery and structures in place for a return to democracy in Sierra Leone in 1991. Political parties were being formed and the nation was braced for its first democratic elections since 1978 but SLPP could not wait and would rather spearhead a coup in 1992. They always want things their way even if it means obliterating civility , the constitution and the rule of law.
One reason the SLPP have refused to call the Koinadugu elections is clear . They were beaten by the APC on Saturday . They can’t take defeats . The other reason is clear . They know that the Koinadugu elections results will show to the whole country that the APC are still masters at winning where their grassroots support abide and since this grassroots support is in almost 75 % of the country, the APC are poised to regain power , come the 2023 elections . That is the message the SLPP do not want the world and Sierra Leoneans to get . But it is inevitable . All signs are that the APC will unseat the SLPP in 2023 and every Sierra Leonean knows that .
It is not only because the APC control grassroots support in Sierra Leone. It is also because the SLPP have performed very badly in power . They have been in control for about four years now but Sierra Leoneans cannot point at anything isi le or tangible the SLPP have achieved or done for them . There have been no development projects , just the president snd his ostentatious wife and bloated delegations traveling all over the world for sweet nothing. Instead, poverty has exacerbated and there is suffering all over the nation . There is no food to eat and even the little available is very expensive and beyond the means of the people. Cost of living had become so high snd prohibitive .
Also, President Bio has turned out to be the most wasteful and corrupt head of state of Sierra Leone since Independence in 1961.
The SLPP can continue holding on to the results or they can declare themselves winners if they want . But one thing is clear . Judgement day is just around the corner for the SLPP . People’s power is very powerful and the 2023 elections are coming and when they do, nothing will stop the SLPP from what they dread most — being defeated by the APC .