According to the Confederation of Africa Football, (CAF) AFCON qualifier matches between Ghana Vs Sierra Leone & Sierra Leone Vs Ghana on the 11th and 14th of October, 2018 respectively, have been cancelled as the Sierra Leone Football Association, (SLFA) did not meet the conditions stipulated in the letter sent by CAF on FIFA’s decision to suspend the federation.
Apparently, FIFA suspended SLFA on the 5th October, 2018 for what they referred to as Government interference into the administration of SLFA, following an indictment of both Madam Isha Johansen, President of SLFA and her Secretary General, Christopher Kamara on Corruption charges.
In a letter dated 8th October, 2018, ironically, Madam Isha Johansen signed on behalf of SLFA appealing for the lifting of the abovementioned suspension, after a meeting at State House, devoid of the fact that she is under investigation by the ACC, an effort that proved futile.
“I will blame the SLPP led government for our present predicament, because they should have manage the situation, but instead allowed it to be blown out of proportion. Now look at it consequences”. Mariatu Kargbo, a football loving fan and analyst maintained.
“I was expecting this government to have resolved the impasses between Isha Johansen and other members of the football family in Sierra Leone, but they played politics with it, thus apportioned blame to the erstwhile government owing to the fact that it all started during their reigns. Now we are left in the cold” James Smith, opined.
I rest my case.
© *Editayo George Temple 😎 (The Investigative Journalist & Proprietor, Universal Times Newspaper & Popularizer of Breaking News and I Rest My Case fame in Sierra Leone) +23279316750*