Tamba Borbor reports from Freetown
Journalists have unanimously called for an inquest into the death of the editor of ?For Di People” Newspaper Hassan Henry Yansaneh who had his home calling Thursday 28th July at a private clinic.
At a well-attended emergency SLAJ meeting held yesterday morning at SLENA journalists agreed to a proposal that the authorities should set up an inquest into the death of the former Mass Communication student at FBC.
The purpose of the inquest is to ascertain whether it was the alleged beating by her former landlady, the Hon Fatmata Hassan relatives that aggravated the kidney problems affecting Yansaneh, which eventually led to his death yesterday. However the funeral committee established by SLAJ has announced that the late editor will be laid to rest on Sunday after funeral prayers at the Central Mosque at 2p.m and interment at the Kissy Road Cemetery.
The news of his death did not come, as a surprise to many of his colleagues who saw his picture in the newspapers last week. Sources close to the deceased have revealed that he had the best result in his class before ill health prevented him from taking this term’s exams.

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