By Suliman Forna :
January 6 1999 should be remembered as the year that described the real SLPP evil temperament. I was there, saw it all and can analyze it raw to the laymen and women.
SLPP caused January 6 1999 when we rewind to incidents that occurred before that.
When the AFRC unseated late Kabbah due to his lack of patience, hurtful temperament, and an attempt by the SLPP to slaughter some soldiers I have never experienced a vindictive bunch of SLPP politicians swearing blood, and encouraging their supporters to revenge, and threaten death through their clandestine radio station 98.1 FM manned by two people Alie Bangura and Julius Spencer both men compensated by the SLPP on Tejan Kabbah’s forced return to power, just like they compensated James Jonah in 1996 for helping them rig the election against UNPP. But back to the SLPP 1999 “gbosgbos”.
For some reasons known to SLPP in 1998 when in exile in Guinea, late President Tejan Kabbah announced in an ECOWAS summit in Abuja where he was invited by the late Sani ABACHA that he will dismantle our constitutional Army in Sierra Leone and in their place will make use of Bush Kamajors. Even Sani Abacha was taken aback by such an utterance from a former UN diplomat that has no knowledge of our military’s dynamics and cared less about the future consequences. After that fateful announcement it was reported that Kamajors and other SLPP members in Southeast of the country embarked on a killing spree targeting our soldiers and killing many of them in broad day light. Some reports have it that Kamajors in Kenema removed the hearts of soldiers and ate them to show power.
I cannot keep going on about SLPP atrocities to our beloved nation particularly the lynching of people in tyres by SLPP supporters who accused those innocent souls of collaborating with the AFRC junta.
Thus the infamous January 6 1999 could have been avoided had we not had a desperate bunch in SLPP at the time ready to spill blood for power.