By Jacob Sax Conteh, Sr :
As hundreds of Sierra Leonean converge on social media everyday to discuss the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone, there is an organization that is ready to take immediate action to help combat this catastrophic epidemic. That organization is Action Africa, a non-profit, non-government organization based in Washington, DC. As their name depicts, Action Africa is ready to take quick action to help curtail the Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone. They are planning to ship two forty-feet containers to Sierra Leone.
First Container to leave Washington 21 August 2014
Suggested items: (including, but not limited to) – antibacterial soaps, ointments, wipes, gloves, bandages, masks, detergents, bleach, hand sanitizers, over the counter pain medications, vitamins and multivitamin tablets, powdered milk, canned foods, nutritional drinks; towels, clothes, gallon-size zip-lock bags…
Cash donations are also requested to help with the shipping costs.
Action Africa & Amen Foundation Offices (10 a.m. – 4 p.m.)
2903 Mills Avenue, NE. – Washington DC 20018 – (202)904-3354
Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) # 55633
The Chairman and President of Action Africa is Dr. Chris Egbulem, a Nigerian who has Sierra Leone at his heart. The Director of Programs, Mrs. Fatmata Egbulem, is from Sierra Leone. Together with Ron Novak, an American who served in the Peace Corps in Africa nearly fifty years ago, and Susan Hoefling, a British-American who grew up in Sierra Leone and who works to promote Sierra Leonean issues, and a host of other people who love to help Africa, Dr. Egbulem and his team work relentlessly to help alleviate the suffering of ordinary Sierra Leoneans. Join Action Africa today to help curb Ebola in Sierra Leone. Get off the web, take action.
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