MONROVIA, July 13 (LINA) – President George Manneh Weah has assured Liberians that he is committed to working and changing the country for the better in spite of biting public criticisms of his government over the state of the economy and other national issues.
The Liberian leader said he and his government are not deterred by the ugly state of politics, as they are doing everything humanly possible to make Liberia the place for all Liberians to live and enjoy.
“This is the country where politics wants to supersede good governance, but we won’t let that happen. It doesn’t matter what we do, people criticize, but if we were given grades, you will give us good grades. We are working to change and make Liberia a better place to live,” President Weah said when he dedicated the newly-renovated King Gray Market in the ELWA Community outside Monrovia on Friday, July 13.
President Weah thanked the marketers for their patience in awaiting the refurbished and standardized market, according to an Executive Mansion release issued Friday in Monrovia.
“I want to thank you for your patience, because I know when people want something, there are others that will be in the group to criticize for nothing, but you kept the hope alive and today you have a refurbished market,” President Weah quipped.
He acknowledged the struggle the marketers at the King Gray Market have gone through and promised to deliver “good projects” for the betterment of all Liberians.
President Weah said his intention is to renovate markets all around the country, and announced that the Du-port Road Market will be his next target.
“Someone will ask why he is fixing markets. Well, market is part of our society and it has to be conducive,” he stated, adding that he is hoping that his best is done within three years’ time.
The Liberian leader, however, urged citizens to discuss issues rather than getting in the streets and encouraged them to address their qualms in a peaceful and orderly manner to the rightful authorities.
“We have six years here. Our government, if you noticed has started already. All of the things we said we were going to do in the six years when given the opportunity, we are doing them. I want you to be patient. We are hoping that our performance will allow you to give us another six years,” President Weah stated.
The dedication of the newly-refurbished King Gray Market brings to two the number of markets the Liberian leader has renovated and dedicated since he assumed office in January of this year. A little over a month ago, President Weah dedicated the Rehab Market, which he personally helped to renovate.