By Kabs Kanu.
The Millennium Challenge Corporation has notified the U.S Congress that they want to start negotiating with the Bio government for the implementation of the U.S $ 480 million MCC Compact Grant.
Is it not premature when the Tripartite Committee has not yet finished its work ?
Question : What is APC doing to lobby Congress to make them know that until the Tripartite Committee completes its work successfully and all recommendations accepted by President Maada Bio and implemented , it is yet premature for the MCC to begin negotiating with Bio’s government for the MCC Compact ? This is not to thwart the granting of the aid. We need the money . It is to ensure first that the proper foundations are built for a return to democracy in Sierra Leone before the money is given, as promised by Congress and the former and present U.S ambassadors to Sierra Leone.
It is very suspicious for the MCC to move ahead of the Tripartite Committe. Some people have started wondering whether the serial briber of international organizations for awards, accolades and goodwill, Maada Bio, has not surreptitiously lobbied and bribed some people in the MCC headquarters .
It is hard to understand why the MCC is so eager to push the process through in the face of all the massive corruption being reported everyday in the media, human rights abuses , violations of the rule of law, disrespect for due process, tribalism and exclusion of the Northwest from governance, and now plans to change the constitution and pass very bad laws in Parliament that will put the APC and Northwest in serious disadvantage..
Let us face reality. The SLPP Government did not even deserve the grades given to it by the MCC. The grades were fake and even the MCC knew that. Whatever yardstick they used to generate that scorecard is deceptive and fake.
The MCC handling of the Compact award to the Bio government provokes many questions. How did Bio qualfy for the grant ? Why is the MCC still insistent on giving Bio such a windfallL inspite of the grand elections robbery he committed last year ? What precedent is the MCC setting ? The U.Se Congress blocked the grant after the MCC, in defiance of interrnational outcry over Bio’s election robbery , still selected Sierra Leone in Devember ? The U.S Congress wants to see electoral reforms accomplished first . So, why the haste by the MCC to start negotiating with Bio ? Is the MCC working at cross purposes with the instruments and forces of transparency and accountability ? Is the MCC condoning Bio’s electoral criminalty ? There are lots of question marks about the foreign aid business . The MCC is authenticating them.
Another thing : Is the APC sure that the Tripartite investigations will conclude with positive outcomes for the party and the nation ?
APC is saying one thing and the SLPP is saying another thing. There are mixed and confusing messages coming for both parties about this Tripattite . We hope the people of Sierra Leone are not being taken for a ride.
It will be the greatest injustice ever in the world if Maada Bio gets away with the most heinous broad daylight robbery of the electoral process ever . It will set a very bad precedent and other presidents will be emboldened to do the same thing in future , with the hope that America will complain for a while but will do nothing and will rather shower the country with economic windfall. Bio knew that America is a barking dog that does not bite . He knew that . Imagine him not only stealing the elections but having the effontery to come to the very America and badmouth and insult the U.S. if Bio did not know something we did not, would he have behaved with such impunity ?
This demonstrates the fact that we cannot depend on the international community and America solely to redeem our country. President Siaka Stevens and the grand old men and women of the old APC never did that. He and S.I Koroma and others took things into their own hands and that was why Sir Albert did not get away with the same Maada Bio perfidy in 1967 and that was also why we enjoyed all the respite we had from tribalism, exclusion, abuse and merciless killings of our people from 1968 to 1992. If Sir Albert had been allowed to continue ruling Sierra Leone, the Northwest would have gone into extinction. Dr. Siaka Stevens stood up like a man . I read his memoirs and I agree with the reasons he gave for standing up to the SLPP. He did not depend on the international community.
Let this APC beware what they stomach and accept from Maada Bio and this unscrupulous, sadistic, conscienceless SLPP and what they pin their hopes upon. In politics, it is very dangerous to put all your eggs in one basket, especially when you dealing with this dangerous Paopa Government. You need to have a Plan B. What is APC’s Plan B if the Tripartite does not end in the way comrades are slavishly expecting, inspite of all the glaring evidence to the contrary ?
Until now, the MPs that returned to Parliament have not received their promised emoluments. As a matter of fact, the very Judas that betrayed the APC in that process of calling off the boycott Parliament —MOHAMED BANGURA —has himself tasted the devilish SLPP truce- breaking and ungrateful payback —He has been unceremoniously kicked out of the ECOWAS Parliament. Mohamed Bangura has been taught a very bitter lesson by Maada Bio and his gang. This will show you that Maada Bio is Satan Incarnate. You do not negotiate with him. You do not trust him to do the right thing. But this APC seems to have so much trust in him. I hope they do not pay a dire price for such an implicit faith on the devil.
We all want Sierra Leone to have the MCC Compact. Who does not want his country to prosper ? In fact, APC contributed to Sierra Leone winning the Compact . Sierra Leone actually won it during the reign of President Ernest Koroma but America was waiting first for the outcome of the 2018 elections to start the implementation process. But many people expressing concerns believe that the national interest comes first . What is not done well is not done at all. The MCC was set up to reward democratic, lawful, constitutional governments that are accountable to their people, not to reward villains. If it turns out that the MCC has rewarded a criminal , even the money will not benefit our country. Bio and his criminal henchmen will squander it. I do not know why America is playing moron in dealing with Bio. Did anybody bewitch America ?
We are confused. We demand to hear from the APC.
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