May I first thank God and all those who have played a part in setting up the interim Administration of the new APC-USA BRANCH, especially the president of Sierra Leone and leader of our APC party, Dr. “Emeritus” Ernest Bai Koroma in bidding to jumpstart a genuine peace in the fifth district of the APC party conglomerate. Make no mistake he is the man of our time, our moment and our needs. He will surely be remembered some day after he would have left office as the man whose shine helped brightened once again the hopes and aspirations of many Sierra Leoneans after that gruesome rebel war in our country.
As the official spokesman of APC-USA, I intend to do my duty to the best of my ability. Notwithstanding the financial constrains APC-USA may have to face for a period of time, there is a ray of hope that has started to illuminating the future of our branch and specifically the Public Relations Office of APC-USA. I and other committee members ( soon to put in place ) would use any resources at our disposal to effectively mount a propaganda machine never before put into use in the United States of America against especially destructive oppositions in Sierra Leone and around the world. Such efforts would however warrant every capable party member’s full participation and commitment.
Shadows of togetherness have already begun to peep out of the dark gloomy tunnel of division we had to put up with for a very long time. Our Interim Chairman, the Hon. Ibrahim Sampha Kamara has expressed ( in his introductory message) his desire to forge a closer union between the branch and it’s chapters, his executives members and Chapter Presidents, his administration in the United States of America and the Party Headquarters in Freetown, His administration and APC affiliated online news outlet like Cocorioko, Salone Monitor, The Rising sun, Wusum Times etc. Mr. Kamara’s administration also hopes to identify itself fully with the hopes and aspirations of every member of the APC Party here in America. Because it is logical to say that only few must have benefited from the hard work of many. Through our new youth leaders, our chairman intend to create a social wing of the party with the hope of building structures that elected administrators would come to depend on.
Time came and went leaving THE NEW APC-USA with vestiges of a branch that needed respiratory resuscitation so badly for so long. That was exactly what the high power delegation from Freetown were here to help us do. But we are very thankful anyway to all of those who in their able ways did the best they could to keep the party afloat in NORTH AMERICA for that long. Now, we truly also appreciate all of us for accepting the call to serve in this new interim administration. What is most needed, at this point, is for us to continue to mend fences and work our way FORWARD in line with our party’s motto.
Hopeful of the chairman and the executives’ approval, I intend to table the following among other proposals for consideration:
1. My office would explore the possibility of opening effectively monitored and moderated accounts with social media outlets like FACE BOOK and TWITTER; taking advantage of what the information super high way can afford us as a political party.
2. Encourage chapter members to subscribe to all Fora with APC BRAND NAME as long as they meet their chapter membership obligations and are willing to abide by each forum guidelines and moderations.
3. Our PR office in APC-USA would collaborate with the WE YONE and other party affiliated newspapers in Freetown to help market the APC BRAND and promote the party’s political agenda and President Koroma’s Sierra Leone Agenda For Prosperity.
4. The PR office of APC-USA would participate in media interviews and may also facilitate online political discussions when necessary.
5. The PR office of APC-USA will relate with cultural and social organizations, of Sierra Leone decent, in the United States. And the public relations committee would help organize a NATIONAL FUND RAISING CAMPAIGN THAT WOULD TARGET IN GENERAL ALL SIERRA LEONE COMMUNITIES LIVING IN AMERICA, IRRESPECTIVE OF THEIR PARTY AFFILIATIONS.
In the cause of the All People’s Congress of Sierra Leone, APC-USA will continue to work together for the progress of our party and country.
Well done, all APC members!
Thank you Freetown Delegation!
Long live our leader, party and
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