Published on January 16, 2011 by Cocorioko News · No Comments

This weekend will see another centrepiece of the Ernest Koroma leadership in action . The Sierra Leonean President who came to power not only to turn the country around socio-economically and politically but to unite the nation is on the road this whole weekend to concretize his agenda of national reconciliation and national unity . President Koroma, with an entourage of ministers and diplomats travelled to the stronghold of the oposition Sierra Leone People’s Party ( SLPP ) to present to the citizens of the South/Eastern Province their sons who have been appointed into the All People’s Congress ( APC ) Government.
At Bo, the capital city of the Southern Region, the whole town is expected to turn out in full colours to grace the big program where President Koroma will present to the people the ministers from the region that have been brought into the government–Deputy Minister of Justice Mr Arrow Bockarie; Deputy Minister of Youth Employment & Sports , Mr Emmanuel Gaima ; Deputy Foreign Minister Ebun Jusu and the Deputy Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs Mr Syl Goba .
In Kenema , President Koroma will also present to Easterners their son, Hon. Joseph B. Dauda, who was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
In Pujehun, also in Southern Sierra Leone, excitement will surely mount to fever pitch levels as sons of the soil -Hon. Vandy Minah and Moijueh Kai-Kai –Ministers of Transport and Aviation and Resident Minister (South ) respectively will be presented to the people by President Koroma. Significantly, President Koroma’s new Chief of Protocol, Mr. Sullay Manah Kpukumu, who holds a very powerful and high-profile position , also hails from Pujehun and will be in the delegation.
When it is all over, Sierra Leoneans will be imbued with the ideal that the APC is a Government of National Unity and National Reconciliation. Not only that, Sierra Leoneans will acknowledge once again that there is no distinction between Westerners, Northerners, Southerners or Easterners. Whatever our region, we are one people , one country–The salient message that President Koroma will be drumming home during this all-important provincial odysseythis weekend.
When COCORIOKO called State House on Wednesday to talk to government officials, they were all excited and in very high spirits about this mini-provincial tour . President Koroma himself was equally excited because he will be meeting his people in the Southern and Eastern Regions. A President who delights in always meeting his people, President Koroma was looking forward to the trip as he always wants to connect with his people.
This weekend’s exercise will reduce to rubble the misguided banter of the opposition SLPP that this government is Northern-oriented. According to Sierra Leoneans who have been expressing their opinions on the matter, this is one of the craziest allegations levied against the government. How do you get about making such a glib accusation when one-third of the Sierra Leone’s diplomatic staff accredited all over the world hail from the South-East ?
It is another fine moment for President Ernest Koroma this weekend, a fine President with a fine agenda for national unity and national reconciliation, which will bring sustainable peace to Sierra Leone.