The thing the nation feared has come to pass as the Tripartite Committe has hit an impasse, dealing a devastating blow to the anticipated so- called Agreement of National Unity between the ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party ( SLPP) and the opposition All People’s Congress ( APC ).
Dr. Kaifala Marah, the lead opposition All People’s Congress ( APC ) member of the committee , announced the deadlock today .
The Elections Commission of Sierra Leone ( ECSL ) provided to the Tripartite Committee figures of the elections results that led to the Commissioner declaring President Maada Bio the winner of the presidential elections last year but the opposition APC wants comprehensive results to determine how the ECSL arrived at the figures. But the evasive ECSL has responded that the request is not conpliant with the administrative procedures of the terms of reference of the Tripartite Committee.
Said a social media bloggrr;
“ECSL should not allow any political Party to put it under pressure. They should simply produce the Math that totalled 60%. That’s not difficult for them to do. The good thing is, the ECSL Commissioner does not need to send someone to space for the Math or consult the gods in the village or Mammy Watta to clarify 60%.”
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