*Bio: Learn The Difference Between Knowledge And University Degrees*
_”What I have learned is that a whole lot of people with degrees don’t know a damn thing,_ _and a lot of people with no_ _degrees are brilliant”_ – culled from BLACK CONSCIOUSNESS Whatsapp forum
*Wisdom* !!
Bullseye 🎯 point in BLACK CONSCIOUSNESS Whatsapp forum posted by @ +256-773-714832.
In my land of my birth named “Sierra Leone” by British colonialists some two centuries ago, even in 2024, nearly all the bureaucratic elite and political elite almost literally worship university degrees, especially doctorate degrees, even if the holders manifest very little knowledge that is utilitarian, or, even, quality theoretical knowledge that is competitive.
Reach out to me please.
Oswald Hanciles
Freetown, Sierra Leone
*President Bio, Think*
Retired Brigadier Maada Bio, President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, reading the quote from the BLACK CONSCIOUSNESS Whatsapp forum, you immediately came to mind. You have emphasized Human Capital Development in your Administration. But, it does appear to me as if you put premium on university degrees, not knowledge. That thinking likely explains why the economy has shrivelled and living standards of ordinary people have plummeted, as prices of all basic commodities have skyrocketed.
Mr. President: you need confident thinkers to help guide you how to appraise real knowledge. We need far more Master’s and doctorate degree holders in Sierra Leone today, but, their qualifications must be quality, and relevant.
I could write more, but, alas, the apparent majority degree holders with little knowledge gripe if I write even an article above 1,200 words.
Let me get your views please. Send PV to me with your comment, even if you comment in a What’sapp group.
I pause,
Oswald Hanciles, The Guru
Whatsapp Number
September 16, 2024
07:04 hours in Freetown, Sierra Leone
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