By Akmid Mansaray The SLPP party surrogates or so called "Concern Sierra Leoneans ..." who may have doctored VP Victor Foh's image into such a degrading object and self-defeating symbol, are on the wrong side of politics and perhaps history.The manipulated portrait of Vice President Victor Foh making the the rounds on social media is absolutely appalling. There is no reason for any one, especially a Sierra Leonean, to indulge in such a reckless display of artistry. Most africans, Sierra Leoneans included unfortunately are beginning to buy into the supposed freedom they claim the west offers: the freedom to disrespect their leaders or even throw things like eggs at them. What these believers don't recognize is the prize that comes with such lousiness. Most of those who commit civil disorders in the west are penalized and sometimes left to perish on the fringes of societies. Also, It is true that african and oriental cultures do not encourage outright disrespect of their leaders for whatever reason, Even though youths and most of all disgruntled politicians are now resorting to jungle escapism, what they think is the norm in western societies is not that normal: most advance countries monitor their subjects through surveillances. They openly condemn the immoral actions of their citizens and penalize them for what they do label as maverick. Why was someone in America arraigned in court for threatening President Barrack Obama...? Like l always will say freedom is not as free as the west make us believe. It is therefore unfortunate to see through social media, much seem to be silently taking away from the positive growth and development of most african societies. Someday soon, I think countries like Sierra Leone would become such a moral decadent, there may be no use for the department of attitudinal change. No matter what others' beliefs are, I do know the APC government is disproportionately bearing the brunt of the raw vulgarism and immoral creativity that is becoming the usual for most disgruntled political activists who will use any means at their disposal to sprout hatred or bitterness upon the powers that be. Photo shopping I know serves a great purpose for designers and entertainers who would concoct photos of characters, situations and sceneries and make them look believable, interesting and and above all purposeful. Unfortunately, this artistry is now being used by politicians especially to demean opponents in creative but ugly ways. There seem less or no regard left for the dignity and privacy of others. Before now, photo manipulations were mostly positive. With this out of control social media era, emphasis has shifted to making photoshopping a tool for personal vendetta and creative deception, nudity and dangerous politicking. Social and political "bastardization" seems so rampant with african sites especially, it may soon awash the faints, making then believe lying is a virtue and political correctness is better than the truths and realities of our times. During the Wake of the alleged Ebola corruption and the constitutional debate in Sierra Leone that followed the removal from office of then Veep Sam Sumana, most people believed the SLPP party was behind the recruiting of "low calibered" IT professionals living in the diaspora, to demean the presidency of His Excellency Ernest Bai Koroma, a ploy believed will benefit their " movement." I hope they are wrong. There were so many doctored postings online that portrayed President Koroma as a miserable evil ... The government and people of Sierra Leone deserve the right to moderate social and political excesses as long such actions are true to the Sierra Leone constitution. Is an act of parliament necessary to stop wicked or evil attitudes against especially public servants and politicians? Bad behavior should not be rewarded nor be condoned out of fear. It may be time, parliament enacted measures that can restrain those who conduct themselves poorly on social media at the detriment of others. Why do do Asian countries moderate social media excesses? Why should Sierra Leone not take legitimate steps to protecting its own people from social abuses. I believe It is within the right and power of a government to regulate excesses that can undermine the peace and stability of a nation. Of course governments in all countries have the right to national security and to advance the socio-political development of their nations. Mind you I remain your best friend. Therefore please allow me to ask this question: are you interested more in character assassination or nation building? Esse quam videri (Rather to be than to seem) ________________________________