Miss Vicky Remoe, a prominent Sierra Leonean female journalist has condemned the undemocratic and unsavory events at last Saturday’s bye-elections in Koinadugu .
Miss Vicky Remoe is the publisher of the famous Sierra Leone website known as Swit Salone .

we bring you below Miss Tempe’s condemnation of the Koinadugu events , circulated in social media.
©️Vickie Remoe
I would like to condemn the bye-elections violence and intimidation that happened in Koinadugu this Saturday for local council elections.
Koinadugu is far too great and too beautiful for this mess!
While both parties could have behaved better to ensure peace. It is the SLPP’s responsibility as the ruling party to ensure that our democracatic processes continue unhindered. And you failed to do so!
I would most of all like to highlight the impropper behavior of the Deputy Minister of Political and Public Affairs Mr. Amara Kallon and the Minister of Youth Mr. Mohamed Bangura. You gentlemen had no business at the polling station if you were not voting. Why did you go there with a crew of vandals? Why are cabinet ministers pushing people at a polling station? You had no business there! Your behavior is deplorable and goes against the values of our country and your party.
I would also like to call out SLPP Candidate for the Koinadugu District Council Chairperson election, Alhaji Sheku Koroma who physically assaulted a disabled citizen observing the elections for the APC.
Sir, what kind of leader will you be if before you even win the election you’re already perpetuating violence against those who can not defend themselves.
As someone who’s family has been deeply affected by by-elections violence in Sierra Leone I would like to express my deep disappointment in the Sierra Leone Police for surrendering their mandate to serve and protect when it matters most.
It has become too much the case that thugs overrun our polling stations during bye-elections with the police throwing their hands in the air as if it is not their job to keep the peace.
Citizens exercising their right to vote should be protected. They should not have to vote in fear and under threat of violence.
Grateful to the National Elections Watch Sierra Leone Observers for their commitment to transparency at our polling stations. Had it not been for their diligence we would not have the facts.
Shame on everyone in the SLPP who has been silent about the egregious behavior of your party people and shame on anyone who condones this anti-Sierra Leonean and undemocratic behavior.
Paopa natin pas advantage!