We are better off as a nation moving forward rather than backwards. Our people need positive forward changes, not ” pay back” rhetorics. We ought to have known by this time that a nation in constant crisis is a backward nation
If only the people in this forum agree to be truthful to themselves, love God and Sierra Leone more than their political parties and decide to make our nation a better place, it will happen.
We allowed politics to over take our love for the truth, love for nation and love for humanity? When can we change our nasty hateful attitudes for better progressive- minded positive love-filled attitudes?
My brothers and sisters, this backward idea of comparing the deficiencies and ills of yesterday to make right the failures and inadequacies of today will not help our nation. We must feel ashamed of ourselves in that we call ourselves “educated” and ” living in foreign lands”. Has that helped us in any way? Shame! Shame! To each and everyone of us that is refusing to change for a better Sierra Leone.
To my president, I say, Mr. President, it is easy to win an election in a small country like Sierra Leone: love God with all your heart, mind, body and soul; share that love to the people of Sierra Leone; trust God; deliver the goods and services to the people; preach and practice love, peace, unity and development and feed the people. The Lord Jesus christ, whom you believe in ask His disciple, Peter, ” Peter, do you love me,…. feed my flock “.
Do you love Sierra Leone, feed the people with food, light, better roads, better hospitals and safe drinking water. Once you do what God wants you to do for His people, God will be on your side at all times. And if God be for you, who can be against you and succeed?
I anyone refused to do what God wants him/ her to do, God will stand afar and watch.
In the love for God and country, I submit.
Pa Gibrill
From the United WhatsApp forum