Sunday July 31, 2005 Rev.Alfred Samforay of the Committe To Elect Hinga Norman has speculated that the oncoming SLPP Convention next month may not be held after all. The convention has ben scheduled for August 18-20 in Makeni , headquarter town of the Northern Province , but chief Hinga Norman has filed a law suit in the Supreme Court against the ruling SLPP for allegedly violating the party’s constitution . READ SAMFORAY’S STATEMENT BELOW : In the matter of Hon. Samuel Hinga Norman, JP (Plaintiff) versus the Sierra Leone Peoples Party (SLPP) presently before the Sierra Leone Supreme Court, we have reason to believe that there may not be a Party Convention after all. As a result of the law suite filed on behalf of Chief Hinga Norman as we reported recently, it is more likely than not that the High Court will suspend the Party Convention slated for August 18 – 20 in Makeni.
In any case, the court will take up arguments as to the legality of the party convention which Mr. Norman alleges has been manipulated to allow only one convetion to elect both the party officials as well as the Party Leader contrary to the party’s constitution. Not so fast, Mr. Norman’s lawyers have told the SLPP and the court will take up the issue as early as Monday August 1.
We will fill in the blanks for you as soon as the legal documents arrive in the US. So just in case you are packing your suitcase to head for Makeni for the convention, you may want to stay tuned before heading out. You may be the only one in Makeni come August 18.
Meanwhile, we are happy to announce that Mr. Mustapha Vonu has been elected Regional Chairman, Western Region, for the Committee to Elect Hinga Norman. Also former CDF Administrator and SLPP Secretary General, Kenema District, Mr. Arthur Koroma, has been elected Eastern Regional Chairman, Committee to Elect Hinga Norman. Our congratulations to Mr. Vonu and Mr. Koroma. We are also highly encouraged by the Hon. Morie Ngobah, MP, for his leadership role in the House of Representatives on behalf of Chief Hunga Norman and the CDF indictees.
A. SamForay
Committee to Elect Hinga Norman.
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