By Kabs Kanu
Two things the SLPP , with all their self -touted “Book knowledge”, do not know are : firstly , Europe and America rule the world and it is very difficult to discredit a European institution or a past President of the U.S and his international organization, as long as that president does not behave like Donald Trump ; and secondly , the world view on matters like democracy and legitimate government has been established for ages and can never be browbeaten to conform to the SLPP’s deranged, lunatic , crazed and megalomanic perspective .
Whose testimony and perspective will the world believe ?
The world will believe the word of the European Union ( EU) , Carter Centre and other international elections monitoring institutions over the word of the SLPP, especially where the elections rigging is so blatant as was seen in Sierra Leone .
Before the SLPP believe they can try to discredit the the EU and the Carter Centre to legitimize their criminal elections- robbing enterprise in Sierra Leone and succeed , somebody needs to educate them about the European and American mindset . The West does not trust and respect African political systems and African politicians. Therefore, for the SLPP , of all political parties and from a discredited and hapless , dependent and desperately poor country like Sierra Leone to succeed to destroy the credibility of hugely respected and world – reknowned institutions like the the EU and the Carter Centre is a pipe- dream equivalent to a mad man’s desire to hew down a cotton tree with a pen knife. It won’t work.
Secondly, the European, American and world mindset is built around the principle of precedents. The EU and Carter Centre have established themselves as two of the foremost credible, independent, untainted and respected elections monitoring and observer groups in the world. They have monitored and observed elections throughout the world and their credibility has never been brought to question.
It is very presumptuous of the SLPP to believe that the hard- won reputation of such internationally – respected European and American institutions can be impugned by an unguarded statement by an African presidential candidate during a political campaign .
The American mindset is also reconciled on the fact that during political campaigns politicians make controversial and at times unverified and insane claims to give their platforms the edge over their opponents . There is no country where this precedent has been set than America where the likes of Bill Clinton, Al Gore, George W. Bush , Johnny MCaine , Donald Trump and even President Biden have been faulted with outrageous claims during electioneering campaigns that have not been taken seriously.
The reputation of the EU and the Carter Centre elections monitoring and observer teams is cast in stone. A ruling dictatorship’s gripes in Sierra Leone, where a presidential election was reduced to international mockery , cannot shake the indelible records these institutions have set in the world.
SLPP are on a suicide mission fighting these organizations than trying to do the right thing. The more they throw stones at these internationally respected institutions the more they will be perceived by the world that they are concretizing international stereotypes and stigmas about Africans that they love to legitimize illegality .
Nothing can change the fact that President Bio achieved a second term on the back of an election that lacks transparency and credibility . The fact is already established diplomatically and internationally that the June 24, 2023 presidential elections were rigged by the incumbent president.
And dangerously and inimically for the SLPP, it is not just one organization that concluded that President Bio rigged the elections . In a continent where civil society groups and the media fear incurring the wrath of ruling governments and govern their lives around tepid avoidance to step on the toes of the establishment because of a mixture of the brown envelope syndrome and fear of their lives, Marcella Samba and the National Elections Watch ( NEW ) , a local elections monitoring organization, made a very powerful impact joining the international organizations to conclude that the elections were rigged.
At the risk of her life, Marcella Samba never backed down on presenting evidence that President Bio stole the elections. Marcella’s brave commitment and determination to expose the criminality of the SLPP is a very serious indictment of the SLPP. They rigged the elections so brazenly that a woman of integrity and moral conscience could not have it and put her life on the line to present evidence that the Elections Commission cooked the figures . So, are you going to succeed to discredit her too and change the belief that the election was rigged ?
What about the U.S Ambassador David Rimmer and the UK High Commissioner , Lizzy Chesney ? These are very reputed diplomats, with impressive accolades and distinguished service in the diplomatic field ? Can you succeed to discredit their contention that the process by which you re- elected president Bio was fraught with irregularities and did not reflect the will of the people ?
The SLPP and their paid criminal agents and the West do not live in the same world . If they think they will bend the West down to succumb to their brainless, doltish, half-witted and stupid world view , they are not serious.
SLPP rather are playing with fire and risking sanctions and international backlash and isolation and if President Bio does not stop killing and maiming opponents, an International Criminal Court ( ICC) indictment in the long run .
What happened in Sierra Leone is indefensible and nothing will ever justify it. A whole president and his criminal clique decided to steal an election and subvert the will of the people.
Bio is an illegitimate President and he will be presiding over an illicit and misbegotten government . No fanciful and adventuristic scheme to discredit the international elections monitoring groups that have indicted the SLPP for criminality will succeed .