Somebody please tell me it was not Maada Bio.
Many people told me yesterday that they lost confidence in man (Adam) and concluded that Sierra Leone’s President Maada Bio is a lost cause after listening to him deceitfully preaching democracy , peace, Progressive Politics and Inclusive Development at the University of Pennsylvania —Values that are completely antithetical to his nature and governance style in Sierra Leone.
Maada Bio was like a dwarfish thief in giant robes he had stolen , preaching honesty ,uprightness, ethics, sincerity, virtue ,integrity , good faith, to people who knew him already and seething with inner anger that he should really have been behind bars, instead of the unfortunate podium of the unfortunate University of Pennsylvania. Can man ever be so deceitful and full of such blinking, stinking hypocrisy? Can a man be so fraudulent and fake and can evil proclivity in man be so stacked in one man that he is imbued with all the virtues associated with chicanery—- deceit , deception, duplicity, falsehood, pretence, prevarication, dupery, etc. ?
What riled most people yesterday was Maada Bio had just stolen a whole presidential election in Sierra Leone and is in hot waters with citizens, local and international stakeholders, the U.S, Britain , the European Union and the international community and he had the gumption to stand before a podium of a university in America, of all countries, lying through his teeth to his audience that “In Sierra Leone, our commitment to democracy is not merely rhetorical but is manifested in our actions, policies, and the institutional frameworks we establish. ” The scandalous president , who has not even been inaugurated into office because the election was still the subject of a tripartite investigation, would go on to deceive his audience that ” It is a commitment to a future where the will of the people is the cornerstone of governance, where dialogue supersedes decree, and where the rule of law prevails over the rule by force.” The statement was so false and deceptive and so unreflective of life under him that some people felt that , instead of the dry applause he received, President Bio should have been stoned from that podium ! ! !
Haaaaaaaaaay, my people ! ! Bio was even heard saying : “I must emphasise here that autocratic rule no longer suits our aspirations or the demands of our era. As leaders, our duty is to shape a future rooted in optimism, democracy, and the rich potential of our varied populations, ensuring Africa’s sustainable prosperity in a globally interconnected world.” A man who sent party thugs and police to beat elected MPs out of Parliament and whose security officers have been shooting and killing innocent people exercising their constitutional rights to demonstrate ?
And listen to this. A man who hijacked a whole election while counting was still going on and illegally declared himself winner , a man that the U.S State Department and Amnesty International have censured for human rights abuses and a celebrated tribalist, who employs mainly his own people and had publicly confessed that he employs only his own tribesmen because they were the only people whose work ethics he trusted, was really calling on “my fellow Sierra Leoneans, our African neighbours, and the international community to join us in committing to democratic principles, peace, progressive politics, and inclusive development.” The irony of such prevarication was enough to make a cat laugh ! ! !
Let me stop troubling you souls with the plethora of deceitful statements President Bio made yesterday at the University of Pennsylvania, a college that negated its sacred responsibility to uphold truth and honor.
Sadly enough, organizers knew before hand that throngs of incensed Sierra Leoneans planned to attend the occasion to challenge President Bio’s deception right on the podium, so instead of making it an all-comers event, it was changed to a strictly by-invitation -through- tickets only program. So tickets for the event were sold only to a predetermined audience of likely supporters of President Bio .
But what a shame that an American university that ought know better and promote the values of truth, honesty and sincerity allowed itself to be drawn into a shameful , disgraceful , deceptive charade that will make many people in Sierra Leone doubt and sully the integrity of the University of Pennsylvania.
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