By Kabs Kanu
Journalism is the most perilous and dangerous job in the world. You have to love the profession to even think of becoming a journalist. This is especially so in this era of toxic politics, political extremism, hypersensitivity to public criticism, hyperpolitics and political intolerance.
If you do not experience physical violence or untimely death, you will surely be prone to imprisonment and detention. You cannot be a hardhitting journalist without once going to jail. I will not mention the man-hours you spend being intimidated or harassed, verbally abused or subjected to lies and needless defamation of your character..
Today, in this age of social media, you even face the perils of cyber attacks and online bullying and violence. Some journalists are even forced to undergo psychological trauma .
If you are thin- skinned, do not be a journalist.
It does not matter whether you are pro- government or anti- government. Political extremism and intolerance run on both sides of the spectrum. If you praise the government in power, extremists on the opposition side will gun for you. If you attack the government, be sure that you will become the quarry of supporters of the government.
Journalism is the most thankless job.
Journalists lack protection. If you are serving a government, even that government does not have the capacity to protect you enough , especially in this day of cyber terror. You are always vulnerable to all forms of attacks or intimidation.
The erosion of democracy and the rise of tyranny and authoritarianism even in the so-called once advanced democracies have made matters worse for journalists. Democracy no longer operates even in countries like Britain and the U.S and this has placed extraordinary burdens on the shoulders of journalists. You are no longer safe in any country.
The unshackled press is an essential ingredient of a wholesome functioning democracy .It is also necessary for the promotion of good governance and the defence of human rights and the rule of law.
However, whatever the looming dangers, we journalists must continue to do our job as this world will not get better and political extremism and intolerance will only worsen . In our wildest dreams, nobody ever expected America to edge towards dictatorship and totalitarianism. But this has become the reality we must all embrace.
We must not be frightened or disillusioned by the physical and verbal abuse, lies, defamation of character and imprisonment or death. The world depends on us and we must continue to deliver the goods.
When the going gets tough, we must get tougher because that is the hallmark of our commitment to the profession..
Are you a journalist ? May your ways be rougher.
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