If the West and international community are not collaborators , what does it concern them if a wicked African leader is removed from power ?
Is it only when a bad African leader is removed that America, the West , ECOWAS, AU and the international community become concerned about following democratic principles and exercising restraint ? When the abusive leaders are violating these principles , these so-called moral guarantors of good governance say nothing and even prop them up with economic aid and other forms of assistance .

If they are not collaborators , why are they silent and inactive when African leaders are busy commuting horrific human rights abuses, killing and maiming innocent people and rival tribes ? America and these organizations cannot tell us they do not see these crimes because they have diplomats on the ground .
These stakeholders do not care for the African people . All they care for are their political , economic and megalomanic interests .
Now , they want to dictate to Guinea’s new military leaders about human rights , constitutional adherence political tolerance, inclusion and restraint . Did they do the same to President Alpha Conde when he busy harming his nation ?
In Sierra Leone , President Maada Bio is an even worse prototype of President Conde . What is America doing about that ? Are they not the very ones providing his government economic and military aid ? What is the international community doing to stop this despicable human rights abuser , arch-tribalist and thief ? President Bio seems to be getting away with everything because of the irresponsible silence and inaction of America and the international community .
The time is coming when they will speak out and act —When President Bio too is similarly removed from power as was done to President Conde . That is when they will talk and act .
It is a shame .
It is a disgrace .