Diplomats have a very sensible and skilful way to diss people. Diplomats are trained to be very economical with words but to be so versed with language that they can deliver harsh truth without breaking bones.
So it happened when the outgoing U.S. Ambassador, Mrs. Maria Brewer, appeared last week on Radio Democracy 98.1.
As if to convey to the ruling SLPP Government the displeasure of her country–A major stakeholder in Sierra Leone–with the hypocritical and selective manner corruption is being fought in Sierra Leone, the U.S Ambassador told the SLPP this poignant truth :

“We certainly encourage them to do more in the anti Corruption. We can only really judge the anti_ _Corruption measures when they turn the focus inward and not just at the previous administration…you really have to consider: are you truly committed or is it just a way to punish the old guys_”
This warning by the U.S. Ambassador clearly exonerates all those who had been complaining that the SLPP’s corruption fight is just a witch hunt.
It is now obvious also that it has dawned on the U.S Government that the SLPP Government is also being hypocritical when it proclaims from the rooftops that it is against corruption. The U.S can now authoritatively conjecture that the SLPP is far more corrupt than the APC.
The recent 2019 Audit Report and the investigative reports of the Africanist Press demonstrate that in just three years in power, the SLPP has committed more corruption than the APC did in all its 10-year stewardship.